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I thought he said he would never leave me again and I guess I was wrong. This time he didn't even have the courage to tell me goodbye to my face he just up and disappeared leaving behind a note.


I can't do it. I can not marry you knowing that you will become like me. I won't do it; I refuse to take away your human life. I will not be coming back this time. As a matter of fact, we have all discussed this, and none of us will ever be back. We didn't realize that us returning would cause the Quileute tribe to shift. To prevent that from ever happening again we will not ever be returning to forks or the surrounding areas to give the tribe their freedom. We will also be giving you the life that would have been yours if you had never met any of us Cullens. Well, as close to it as possible. Esme and Carlile have decided to give you the house since you love it so much and to them, you will always be their daughter. Emmet and Rosalie are leaving you their vehicles here since Emmet said no matter what you will always be his little sister and that he loves you and will miss you dearly. Jasper and Alice are leaving you all of their books seeing as how you love to read the classics. As for me, I plan on leaving you half my fortune. It is the least I can do after everything I have put you through.

Bella, I will always love you, and I hope you find happiness in the future. Just please don't' do anything dangerous. I would prefer it if you stayed away from the mutts, but I know you will not listen. After the first time, I left you were no longer my sweet, docile Bella anymore. Know that if I have anything to say about it you will never hear from my family again.

Goodbye Bella, we all will miss and love you.

PS The only thing of yours I took was the ring. I am sorry for that but it was the last thing I had of my mother, and I wasn't willing to part with it for eternity.

PPS Alice says she will take care of canceling the wedding the food and cake will still arrive since they are already paid for enjoy.

I sat there stunned the day before my wedding Edward leaves me again. I sat there crying in the bed we shared and wonder why he had to wait until today to leave me. As the tears streamed down my face, I hear someone calling to me from downstairs. As I make my way to the family room, I see my father standing there surrounded by my Quileute family. I run to my dad and bury my face in his chest. "He left me again, and he says this time it is for good." I let the tears stream down my face Charlie wraps his arms around my body. "I know baby girl they stopped by the house before they left and well I found this in the mailbox this morning." Upon opening the letter that was addressed to me, I saw that it contained the deed to the house, all the titles to the vehicles and a bank card and banking information. With another note "this is the information to your account Bella. Know that until the day you leave this world I will take care of you.

Charlie looks at me "what does he mean? Actually, what does everything mean?" I look at Charlie and the Quileute pack around me. "It means that they do not plan on ever coming back. They did not realize that returning would cause the tribe to shift again. They believed that the wolves had all passed away since the last time they were here. Esme and Carlile left me the house, Emmet and Rosalie left me their cars, Jasper and Alice left me all their books while Edward left me half his fortune and according to this accounting it is enough for me to live off of for the rest of my life without ever working." I look around and notice Jacob is missing "Where is Jacob Billie?" "He disappeared after he received your invitation and we haven't seen or heard from him since. Somehow he can block out the pack from his mind."

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