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To say I was stunned was an understatement. I mean I have been feeling a pull to Bella and the tribal council and Sam think she is my mate. They believe the reason I never realized it was because she was with that leach and my wolf wanted her to be happy even if it meant all we were given from her was friendship. Yet these last few days being around her holding her in my arms I feel complete. Billy thinks that once Bella is ready my wolf will allow us to know whether or not we are mates. All I know is that every time Jacob looks at her, tries to claim her, touch her, or give her grief I want to rip him to shreds. I understand where he is coming from he has helped her past him before. Even after what he did she chose Dickwad over him not once but twice first when they first met, then after he left her here and Jacob had to put her back together. I know her saying she would have allowed me to have her made me want to follow her and do just that but not right now she is healing and the last thing she needs is thinking she is being used.

I couldn't help but think that she was right when we were in Carlile's/oops I mean her office I could have had her. Hell, I kissed her and I smelt her arousal. I know part of what she is going through has to do with knowing that even though Dickwad claimed to be a virgin and kept telling her that anything other than chaste kisses before marriage meant that she was a harlot and he didn't want a harlot for a wife. Proves why he never married that Tonya leech. In Edwards time (Yeah people think I am an uneducated man whore but I am quite the opposite. OK, yes I have kissed a lot of girls but had sex with them nope. Why stop them if they want to lie and say I slept with them I know the truth and my mate will know the truth once I mark her because she can feel any lies between our bond.) Anyway men in Dickward's time would have a mistress or two on the side for when their wife was pregnant or when they were at the begining stages of courting. Especially if they hadn't found the girl they wanted to marry. I hated seeing the look in my Isabella's eyes when she read everything he did with that leach Tonya.

As I sat there wondering if I should let myself go and see if she is my mate I smell her walking into the room I am sitting in "who's room was this?" I say looking around at all the books in the shelves. I see her smile "Oh, Alice and Jasper's room. Turns out that Alice also left me clothes and a credit card to neimen marcus so I can buy clothes I want. The books are Jasper's." I watch her walk to the bookshelf and I watch her cover her mouth in shock. I jump up "what's wrong Isabella?" "These were not here before." I watch her reach up and pull down a copy of Wuthering Heights, every book ever written by Jane Austin and the entire series of Anne of Green Gables. I didn't realize I said each thing out loud until she looked at me "how do you know these books?" "Well I had to study several of Jane Austin books in school along with Wuthering Heights as for Anne of Green Gables well...." "What Paul you can tell me?" "I smile at her and wrap my arms around her waist as she places the books down "I noticed you read them a lot. They seem really old." I notice while glancing down. "yeah, I opened the front cover to each their all first editions." "Wow, proves how much you meant to Alice." "No, no, the books are from Jasper. Alice hated when I read plus Jasper understands the thril of holding a first edition."

After pacing away from her I realize I was not happy that Jasper gave my Isabella a gift that would cause her to smile the way she was or her eyes to sparkle. Damn they are all right Isabella Swan is my mate. I walk up to her and lift her chin and make her look me directly in my eyes. I know we have done this before but I locked up my wolf each time I guess I knew deep down inside. As I release my wolf I feel the shift...I finally notice it was always Isabella holding me here ever since the day I met her when she slapped me but because she was a leach lover and Jake my pack brother loved her I locked my wolf up when around her. I have to tell her and let her take her time to decide what to do. I watch her smile an before I realize what is happening she is pressing her lips to mine. I hesitently kiss her back pulling away "Isabella..." "I know Paul I am your mate. I feel the pull." "Really how long have you known." "Since yesterday when you all showed up to comfort me. I realized how every time you touched me I felt better. I didn't say anything because at first I thought it was my conection with Sam from when he found me but I soon realized when we were in the office that it was you that was making me feel better. I didn't say anything about my suspicions since I know from previous pack meetings that you can reject me as I can you. I figured since you hadn't told me after all this time then you didn't want me since I am the leach lover."

I pulled her against me "no, Isabella I stayed away because I wanted you happy in the end. At first it was the fact I did hate how you loved the leaches but what really held me back was Jake. He is my pack brother and he loves you." "But I don't love him." "I know Isabella. I want you to know that we will take this slow I want my mate healed before I mark her." She smiled up at me while I pulled her close and pressed my lips to hers kissing her deep. Damn I can not get enough of this woman in my arms. All of a sudden we hear a growl and when we turn around in the doorway stands...

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