18. Training

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Even though Paul was adamant about me trying on all my purchases from Victoria Secrets I didn't let him have his way.  I told him that this way he would have a surprise every night.  So, after I took a shower I pulled on the red baby doll nighty with matching panties and stepped out of the shower wrapped in a robe.  I had to include the robe since the only bathrooms were in the couple's bedrooms.  Paul and I discussed it and decided that I should move into one of the other bedrooms especially since Rosalie and Alice mentioned that we deserved a bedroom with an ensuite.  When I walked in Paul looked disappointed until I smirked and dropped the robe.  His eyes darkened and he growled pulling me close to him.  "Damn Isabella you look so hot."  Let's just say exactly what Rosalie, Alice and Jane thought would happen happened. I ended up after Paul worshiped my body having to pull on a new pair of panties and one of his t-shirts.  After realizing his clothes where here I looked at him "when did your clothes get here?"  "Oh, while you were out with the vamps.  Oh, by the way, Lea wants a girls day with the imprints then another day with all the girls."  I couldn't help but laugh and climb back into bed snuggling up next to Paul.  

The next day Sam woke us all up to start training for the upcoming battle.  Jasper stood in the center and explained how newborns were ruled by bloodlust and instinct alone.  Yes, they can be trained but in the heat of the moment, it was nearly impossible for them to defeat an army of trained fighters.  He explained how we needed to keep a level head when fighting them and reminded us that since newborns still had their blood in their bodies they would be extremely strong.  We all soon took turns fighting Jasper so we could get a feel for what the battle was going to be like.  Luckily with all this training and time the pack spent with all the vamps, we didn't need to worry about someone getting accidentally hurt.  Not to mention Phil called his pack to join us so we could protect Forks and La Push better.  Turns out it was for the best since Lea ended up being the mate of their Alpha.  The look on her face when she imprinted was awesome.  I couldn't help but jump up and down for her squealing.   Brenda looked at me "why are you so excited?"  "Lea convinced herself the reason she hadn't imprinted was that she was a she-wolf.  I only hope he doesn't reject her."  "He would never do that.  When we told him there were she-wolves here he mentioned maybe one of them will be my mate."  

I looked at Sam and I could tell he was taking it hard and I walked up to him and hugged him "you ok Sam."  "Yeah, I am happy for her, but I will be sad to see her leave the pack won't feel right.  Bella, I will miss her I never wanted to hurt her."  He wrapped his arms around me "I know Sam.  Yet, I have a feeling it is a good thing you imprinted."  "Why's that?"  "I don't think the imprint is to make sure we produce more wolves or stronger wolves."  "Then why do you think we imprint."  "The same reason Vampires have mates and the real werewolves have mates."  "That is?"  "Because the person we imprint on is meant just for us.  Eventually, we would find them and accept them but it would take to long and imprinting speeds it all up."  "Maybe your right."  "Think about it Sam if Dickward hadn't used a witch to get me to think he was my mate and Paul just accepted me and didn't control his wolf we would have been together a long time ago.  According to Paul, he didn't let his wolf loose around me until the day after the almost wedding."  "So, Bella."  "I was already falling for Paul without the imprint."  

Sam kissed my forehead "Thanks, Bella.  This will make it easier when she leaves."  All of a sudden we hear "when I leave what do you mean?"  Sam looks at her "Lea it is my understanding that just like with a regular imprint if you are not with your mate you will be hurting.  You will have to leave us to be with your mate."  The Alpha stepped forward "oh, Phil didn't tell you."  "No."  "I am not willing to let my sister stay here without me so I am moving the pack here to Forks.  We have already found a packhouse on the reservation."   I looked at Lea and squealed "this is great I won't be the only she-wolf with these dorks."  Sam glares at me "Bella."  I stick my tongue out at him and smack him upside the head.  The Alpha laughs "your mate is feisty."  I look at Sam and yell "gross"  while I hear Paul growl."  I turn and run up to him wrapping my arms around Paul.  "I am all yours, Paul."  He pulls me close and snuggles into my neck kissing it up to my lips.  As he is pulling me closer and deepening the kiss I hear Sam chuckle.  "Bella is my sister but we have a special bond because about a year ago I found her near death and saved her life.  My wolf formed a bond with her when we found her and ever since I can feel what she feels and I am a little overprotective of her.  I wasn't thrilled when I found out Paul was her mate but I couldn't stop it or else they both would be hurting.  Plus we found out that we are half-siblings we share the same father."

Once combat training was done Peter walked up to me "you ready a little bit."  "No, I don't want to."  I ran up to Jasper "Uncle Jasper I don't want to tell the Yoda to leave me alone."  Jasper threw back his head and laughed.  "Sorry Bella Sam wants you to work on your gift so do the elders plus unless you strengthen your gift the Major and Ares will not let you fight."  I glare at him "Nope not doing it."  I soon see the change in Jasper and smirk "Major you don't scare me."  "True but if you don't train I will pick you up and take you to Volterra and hide you there."  "You wouldn't dare Uncle dearest."  "Isabella don't toy with me.  My mate is here now and she will keep me in control, not you."  I pout "fine."  I see Paul laughing "Isabella baby do this for me too I won't be able to concentrate if I am worried about you." 

I walk up to Peter "Ok Yoda what do I need to do."   "Ok, you need to imagine your shields.  Try to picture them."  "Well, what do they look like?"  "I don't know you need to figure that out yourself."  "Ahh, I thought you were the all-knowing Yoda."  "Little Bit just concentrate."  I tried concentrating but couldn't figure out what I needed to see."  It wasn't until this dork from Phil's pack stepped forward and tried to attack Sam that I was finally able to see my shield.  I subconsciously surrounded myself and my whole pack in the shield along with the Volturi, Cullens and Delani's."  Lea's mate was freaking out because when I did this it threw him back and away from her.  Lea looked at me "Bella are you doing this."  I just shrugged my shoulders "I don't know.  I think so I just wanted to protect those that I loved."  My dad looked at me "why didn't you shield your mom and Phil."  "Well, they are part of the same pack."  I looked around and saw the bubble around us and saw the light purple outline around it.  

We watched as everyone outside the bubble tried to get in only to go flying away.  Peter looked at me try not throwing them back.  I concentrated on my shield and watched as several of them came back and were able to touch my shield but not penetrate it.  I also saw how Emmit was able to throw a punch and send the wolf he hit flying.  Emmit grinned "cool it adds extra juice to my punches."   I smirked and watched as Jane tried to use her powers on someone outside the shield and watched as that person hit the ground in pain.  She smiled after stopping "I can still use my powers from inside this thing.  She then smirked at me and looked at Paul and said pain and he hit the ground it wasn't long before he stopped writhing in pain and a clear bubble with a rainbow tint to it engulfed him.  I couldn't help but smile when I realized I now knew what my mental shield looked like.  It was then Demetri looked at me "how did you shield us from Dickward if you just discovered how to use your power."  Peter said that I needed to wish that Dickward couldn't hear your guys so that is what I did."  "So, why are we doing this now?"  Peter looked at him "because she needs to be able to control both shields.  Before it was just using her subconscious to protect you guys on the mission.  Now we need her to be able to actively control herself for battle."

The rest of the day spent me trying to protect different people and the whole group both physically and mentally.  We also learned that if I encased someone in my shield and put it to full power their powers didn't work.  It was also through this that I found out I could copy someone's power.  All I needed to do was think of the person if I knew them.  So I thought of Dickward and stole his mind-reading power and thought of Victoria and stole her power.  It was at this time we found out that it was Victoria that had the power of evasiveness.  The Volturi were happy that I was gaining all these powers since Sam had decided we would help defend the supernatural world.  I still was having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that soon we will all be battling Dickward, Victoria, and Tonya.  I still do not understand why Tonya wants me dead when I don't want him.  Paul thinks it is because even though I don't want Dickward she can't stand the fact that he wants me.  He thinks that she would kill anyone that stole Dickward's attention from her.  I only hope that if we do kill them that we do not hurt their mates.

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