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As Paul starts to read the letter out loud all I could think about was being in his arms.

EDWARD  (Paul Reading):  How could you in our bed with a mutt?  Bella, you are my mate I will not let you be with a mutt.  I will have you Bella by my side for all eternity. I can not believe you are nothing but a common whore giving yourself to another man in our bed on our wedding day.  When Tonya told me you were moving on I didn't believe her and to see with my own eyes.  He has seen parts of you I could only dream about.  I saved myself for my true mate and this is how you thank me.  Well, guess what I lied I had already slept with Tonya long before I ever met you.  I have also been having an affair with her while I was with you. While you practically begged me to make love to you I was making love with Tonya.  I know that Mutt was not your first.  Who was your first Jacob?  Is that why you spread your legs for Paul on our bed?  How many times have you slept with the mutt and how many has he been between your legs?  Know this I will have you and you will regret giving what is mine to a mutt.

As for you, Mutt leave my mate alone.  She is mine you stole what was rightfully mine.  You stole my mates' innocence and I will take her away from you and the rest of you mutts for all eternity.  You all can watch her go through the change and I will rejoice in the hate you will feel for her and how she will turn her back on all of you.  

As for my family, you are all are no longer my family and will soon be dead for allowing a mutt to take what was mine.  She was supposed to realize she can't live without me and go to Aro to turn her and join the Volturi so I can leave you sick fucks and the damn vegetarian diet behind.  As for the supposed God of War, I am not afraid of you.

Forever Bella's TRUE mate,

Edward Mason Cullen scratch that Edward Mason soon to be Volturi.

I look at Paul and start shaking just as there is a knock on the door "are you two dressed yet."  "NO, STAY OUT SAM."  I looked at Paul and jumped up and wrapped my arms around him.  He shoved me away I was starting to lose it when he lifted the sheet wrapping it around me.  "My angel I love you I just don't want anyone seeing what is mine.  I don't know if he can see you and the last thing I want is that leaches eyes on your body again."  I nod my head "now Isabella please get dressed.  Sam is going crazy because everyone was able to hear what I read and he needs to see you."   Nodding I go to my closet and pull on some clean underwear and a dress so I could let everyone see me.  As we make our way downstairs Sam runs up and lifts me in his arms "are you ok my little one."  I look at Sam and nod my head "I am fine Sam just a little scared and embarrassed."  Jasper walked up to me "we will be installing curtains in your room and you will have to make sure it stays locked.  As a matter of fact, we would prefer it if you would activate the security shield in your room until Dickward is dealt with."  I nod and walk over to the security panel and activate the shield on my room.  Looking around at everyone here "are you all upset with me?"  Jasper picks up my chin "no we are now my grand niece.  We are proud of you for embracing who you are and your mate.   We never believed Dickward was your mate but Alice kept saying you were his." 

Marcus stepped forward "she was at one time meant for Dickward but after James bit, her and Dickward sucked out the venom things changed.  He started to feel repulsed that she was so fragile.  When he left her the last time the bond was breaking.  It wasn't until this wolf imprinted on her that it broke the bond.  The problem was when Paul did not act on his imprint it allowed Dickward to come back and fake the relationship.  I do not believe the bond was ever a true mate bond since he left her the first time.  I have to look more into this but it looks like Dickward contacted a witch to create a bond with young Bella I believe it was to keep her blood safe.  She would have noticed the bond with her true mate Paul if Dickward hadn't used that spell.  Did he ever leave her for at least a week before he left her the last time."  "Yes, he did leave.  The day after I arrived at forks he kept staring at me funny and when I walked into class he acted as if I stank.  Then disappeared for a week."

"That is when it happened.  He left because he realized that she was his singer and needed to make sure that she will tie herself to him.  I believe the visions Miss Cullen has been seeing is due to the witch since her visions are subjective they change according to the personal decisions and since Dickward manipulated young Bella here into believing she was his mate..."  Caius growled "he will die for manipulating our daughter.  No one messes with our daughter my brothers."  Caius looked at Aro, Marus, Phil, and my father." 

Everyone nodded their heads and I started shaking from trying not to cry "maybe I should go to him so none of you are hurt."  Jane hissed "Princess I will not allow anyone to hurt you.  You are my masters' daughter it is my duty as a guard to protect you as well as the rest of the guard.  Between your shield and my gift for pain we will take Dickward down."  Paul wraps me in his arms "I am not leaving you or letting you leave me again. I finally have you my Isabella and I can't lose you now."  He snuggles his head into the crook of my neck murmuring "mine...mine."  I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him "yes yours all yours Paul."  He kisses my neck and smiles at me before pulling me into a deep kiss."

We all sat around trying to decide what we were going to do about Edward.  I don't understand why he has to try and come into my life again when we are not mates.  I know there is no way we can be since I can see what not being around Alice is doing to Jasper.  He doesn't think I see it but he is constantly looking around and grabbing his chest every once in a while.  Not to mention the fact he keeps going into their room and I know he is smelling her clothes since I have caught him coming out of her closet.  The good thing is that Peter has already told me that the Cullen's should be here by tomorrow in the morning.  Well except for Carlile and Esme they will arrive in the afternoon since they left later than the others.  I can't wait to see Emmit and Alice.  Hell, I am even looking forward to seeing Rosalie I now understand why she didn't want me and Dickward together.  It wasn't because she was jealous he was never attracted to her it was because she knew we were not mates.  

Waiting for what Dickward was up to was killing all of us.  Peter informed us that Dickward still has not realized the Volturi were on our side.  As for why he didn't smell the fact that I am now a shapeshifter the only thing we can guess is that he couldn't smell me through the glass.  We also don't understand why the hell he believes I am no longer a virgin.  Paul has not wanted to do anything more since Dickward saw us in the beginning and he is still upset that anyone saw me in the throws of passion naked.  As of right now, Paul wants to rip Dickward apart for seeing me in that state.

I looked up at Paul since he had me in his lap "I am going to bed I am tired."  We all hear Peter snort "yeah, I bet even though you didn't finish the deal I am pretty sure Paul showed you some interesting things.  I glared at him as I got up and climbed the stairs to my room.  Once there I changed into my nightgown and climbed into bed and couldn't help but smile remembering what Paul and I had done earlier in the night.  I also couldn't help but be really annoyed that Dickward stopped us from completing our mating bond.  I can't remember the number of times I wanted him to lose his control and take me over the edge but all he kept saying was that we needed to wait until we were married.  Just to find out that he had been sleeping with Tonya the whole time.  

While lying there thinking of what I want to happen between Paul and myself and wishing he was laying down next to me I hear the door open and in walks Paul.  He smirks at me "I am only here to get some sleep so behave."  I snort "well the real question is can you behave."  He laughs and climbs in next to me pulling me in his arms "Peter says Alice, Emmet, and Rosalie should be here first thing in the morning.  As for Esme and Carlile, he says we should expect them in the evening."  "Ok.  I love you, Paul."  "I love you too Isabella."

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