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It was a long few days and we all knew the battle was approaching.  I knew that Carlile and Esme were going to have a hard time dealing with watching us kill Dickward and Tonya hell all the Cullen's and Delani's were going to have a hard time with the battle.  We tried to give them an out sending them to Voltaire but they all refused.  Of course, Sam was worried they might turn on me but Jasper guaranteed us that wasn't the case plus I had Dickward's power and could hear their thoughts and allow my pack to hear them through the link.  What they didn't know was that I stole Alice's power as well as Peter's although Peter knew this was going to happen.  

It wasn't long before I heard Dickward's mind.  I opened up my pack link and soon found that Phil and Sam had merged packs and now both packs could hear their minds.  We heard how he planned on killing Victoria and Tonya so he could whisk me away and turn me.  We could also hear that if I was caring Paul's pup he would kill it before I had a chance to give birth.  I looked at Paul and heard him growl as he moved closer to me.  See even though Dickward had to be pretty close to hear people's thoughts I didn't need that.  Turns out that the fact I am a purple wolf I amplify powers so we walked to the clearing.  We were all waiting and I soon covered all of us with my mental shield when I knew Dickward was coming close.  I knew he was going to freak when he approaches the clearing and is not able to hear us.  I also expanded my physical shield so no one could detect me in case they had new powers plus we all knew that Victoria's evasiveness would detect us.

As we stood there wating I heard Dickward and allowed the packs to hear him as well.

Dickward:  This is good they don't even know we are coming.  We will be able to surprise them.  I would have thought they would be waiting around the clearing but I guess they think I am scared of them.  Please, I will kill them all and take Bella for myself.  Once I get her to realize I am her mate I will be able to use her shields to protect us and hopefully, we will make it to Volarire and they will accept us into the guard.

I almost snorted and looked around at our friends as Sam let the vamps know what Dickward was thinking.  I smirked when we saw them coming and I noticed Dickward pause when he realized we were in the clearing.  I was able to control the color of my shields so they were completely clear and no one could tell we were protected.  I watched as everyone smirked as they walked in and glanced around Dickward stared at the kings and spoke "masters why are you here?  Is it because Bella hasn't been changed.  I tried to change her but my family didn't want her to join our coven.  I had to give her up for them."  Marcus shook his head "ah, young Dickward...sorry I mean Edward you need to stop this now.  Isabella can not become one of us.  She is already a part of our world by being mated to and turning into a wolf."  I heard Dickward Growl "why are you calling me that ugly name."  Aro laughed "ah, see Dickward you hurt our daughter and well we are no longer in need of your powers.  Once you betrayed Isabella you betrayed us." 

Dickward looked at me "Bella please come here you know you are my mate.  I am willing to look passed you being the pack slut."  Paul growled next to me "Isabella is mine leach."  "She likes to be called Bella mutt."  I wrap my arms around Paul "I am all yours baby as you are all mine."  Paul buried his head in my neck and I heard Dickward growl and it didn't take him long before he attacked.  It soon became chaos as everyone started fighting.  Victoria was becoming aggravated when she realized none of her armies powers were working.  It didn't take long before Felix had her and allowed Phil to rip her to shreds as he told her before decapitating her "this is for trying to kill my daughter."  I watched as Emmit grabbed Tonya and ripped off her arms.  I had to keep concentrating on protecting my family and pack.  It was decided that I would not fight unless I had to so I had the kings around me protecting me.  I could hear Tonya begging for Dickward to help her but he was concentrating so hard on getting to me he didn't see Jane until it was to late and he was on the ground in pain.  When Tonya realized she was alone she begged her sisters for help but all Kate did was shock her glaring at her "you were told to leave Bella alone and let her be happy with Paul but no you had to follow Dickward."  "How could you Edward is our cousin."  As the rest of the Delani coven surrounded her I heard Eliazar "he stopped being our cousin when he turned his back on the rest of the Cullen's."  With that Eliazar ripped off her head and through it and the rest of her body into the fire.

Soon the only one left alive was Dickward and he looked up at me with pain in his eyes "how could you.  I loved you."  I looked at him shaking my head "if you loved me you would not have left me at the altar.  If you were my mate you would not have been able to leave me once not even for a day yet you did it once for a week, then for four months and now again for two weeks.  My mate is Paul and I love him plus I am a wolf.  You are nothing to me Dickward."  I watched as the Volturi allowed my pack to rip him apart and let Paul have the honor of ripping off his head.  I couldn't believe it was all over.  I looked around and soon let my shield drop when my Yoda told me it was finished.  Once the last of the vampire parts were tossed in Paul picked me up and spun me around "I love you my Isabella."  "I love you too Paul."

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