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After laughing at Emmitt since Rosalie kicked his ass. Sam snuck up to me and handed me a paper. I looked down and smirked and chuckled "oh, Emmitt" "what Little Sis?" "Run." He looked at me and took off running as I changed into my wolf and chased after him. I couldn't help myself and howled as I chased after Emmitt. It didn't take me long before I tackled him and bit him. I growled out and shook my head a little as everyone around me was laughing. I let go and strutted into the house and upstairs to get dressed. After coming down I looked at Emmitt "now remember next time you bring up my personal life with Paul in front of everyone I will rip your arm off." I heard everyone laugh and soon hear "Son, are you teasing your baby sister again." I spin around and see Carlile and Esme and I launch myself into their arms. "Oh, Bella sweetie know we love you and didn't want to have to choose between you and Edward but he gave us no choice. We will not let him take you away from your happiness after all that he has done. Especially now, since he sees anyone that does not support what he is doing as a threat."

I smile at them and nod "Carlile old friend do you know where Dickward is located?" Everyone snorted and Carlile turned to the kings "last I knew he was in Seattle and I hate to say this but he has teamed up with Victoria." I heard everyone growl around me and Paul pull me close. Sam steps forward "how do you know this Carlile?" "He called to give me one last chance to join him or he will kill me and Esme. He told me he couldn't believe I would choose a human over him since he was my first companion." Looking around I take a deep breath "we really need to know what exactly he is up to and who all he has with him." Peter steps up and grins "yes all-seeing Yoda." "Ah, Little Bit. If we wait for thirty minutes Garrette will be here with a friend that can help." None of us could help but stare at him.  "I didn't even know Garrette was showing up."  "He hadn't planned on showing up because he didn't want to choose sides but when Dickward decided to go after all the Cullens and Delani's he changed his mind."

It wasn't long after Peter told us this before Garrette showed up with another vamp.  We soon found out that the Vamp's name was Fuyuko and that she was Japanese and that he found her in Japan while he was traveling the world.  Turns out that Fuyuko is able to mask her scent and up to four people along with her.  So it was decided that her, Garrette, Eliasar and Demitri would go and scout out what Dickward was up to.


As we all headed to watch Dickward I had to keep reminding myself that the masters would not want their daughter to be harmed.  That even though I had to leave them with the mutts under Jane, Felix and Alex's watch this was also going to help them.  I was surprised when the masters decided to send Eliazar instead of Felix but when they explained that Eliazar could sense other individuals powers I completely understood.  Taking Eliazar would allow us to know what powers they had so we could better prepare for the upcoming battle.   

As we ran to Seatle and I tracked Dickwards thought patterns I kept thing how I do not understand why Dickward would want to waste his time with someone that is not his mate.  Ok, that is not completely true.  I myself have had companions or bed partners through the years since I have not found my mate but to go to this lengths to be with someone that is not your mate and does not want you and is mated to someone else is lunacy.  I can't help but think this has to do with Carlile and Esme always giving him what he wants.  Through the years I had seen how those two treated Dickward compared to the rest of the coven and if Edward wanted something and the rest didn't they would give into him.  Although there were times that he would let the other's have their way.  Aro mentioned once when he read Dickward's mind that he only ever gave in to the rest when he noticed they were getting aggravated by the fact there was favoritism in the ranks.   

Then there is the fact that she is his singer.  Marcus mentioned this after they left and informed us about the fact they were not true mates.  He said yes they were mates but that there were outside factors that brought that around.  Now we find out that it is because he had a witch cast a spell to make her his mate.  Does he not realize that once one of them found their true mate the spell would be broken.  The only reason she didn't realize the mutt was her mate was that Dickward kept her from him and he was respectful of her decision to be with Dickward.  I am still trying to figure out how he was able to keep from drinking her dry since she was his singer.  When I ran across mine I almost outed our kind because I couldn't control myself and I was a lot older than Dickward is now.  Shit, I must have really zoned out and let my senses take control because we have finally found them.

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