6// i find a dead guy

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Liam, Mason, and I follow the compas after class. Somehow we ended up at an old abandoned house or... A house that seemed abandoned. It was seriously creepy.

"Relax, nothings gonna happen." Liam says calmly as he walks into the house.

"How did you-"

"Werewolfs can sense your emotions." Mason explains and I nod even though it was extremely strange but useful in ways I suppose. Suddenly Mason and Liam jump back and I look up to see Scott standing there.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asks, mostly looking at me.

"Um, we followed a compas." I mumble with a shrug just as Scott looks down at the compas that was now spinning wildly.

"Why is it doing that?" Scott asks. Liam pulls out his phone and checks his compas, it was spinning as well. Then, suddenly we heard a loud crash coming form upstairs. Scott ran first then Liam, Then Mason, and finally me. I saw my brother getting up off the ground.

"What happened?" Scott asks.

"It was here. It was here and it vanished. It was programmed to disappear. That's why there were no furniture, no photos, they were erased." Stiles says frantically then looks back at a white door and opens it. He hasn't even noticed me yet. The room was empty and painted blue. Scott and Stiles seemed pretty surprised that it was empty.

"What does that mean?" I ask suddenly and Stiles turns at my voice.

"What are you doing here Kylie? I'm supposed to keep you safe but how can I do that if you keep randomly showing up?!" Stiles yells.

"I asked her to come along. Don't yell at her." Liam says, coming to my rescue.

Stiles rolls his eyes


Later that night I rode with Stiles to the school. Stiles seemed pretty frantic to find Scott so I stayed out of his way and went to search for Liam or Mason. I still didn't navigate the school very well, I was walking down hallways and suddenly I felt a strange...urge to open a certain door. It was weird, I'd never felt that way before but I followed my instincts and found the door I was drawn to and opened it. When I did, a body with a smashed in head fell out and I screamed. I screamed until I felt someone grab me and pull me back. I was crying to much to see who had grabbed me but I did see Hayden and Mason. I twisted around and saw Liam with his arms around me. I stared at him.

"He-He.... That's man is dead." I whispered to him and he nodded sadly.

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