18 // malia isn't fond of theo

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WC; 690

Liam, Theo, and I were at Scott's house talking about The Ghost Riders.

"If they took Stiles and the lacrosse team then they've moved on. They take a few then leave." Theo says, looking out of the kitchen window.

"They're still here. They haven't left." Liam says beside me. In all honesty I didn't want The Hunt to leave Beacon Hills, not until I get Stiles back. I can't get him back if I can't get to The Hunt.

"That's impossible. They take people then leave...unless," Theo trails off, leaving us hanging.

"Unless what?" I ask and Theo turns around to look at me.

"Unless they're stuck."

"Stuck?" Liam asks but before Theo could answer we all heard the front door open and Scott stood there eyeing Theo.

"It's taking every bit of my strength to not rip you in half." Scott growled

"Okay...I guess we aren't gonna hug it out." Theo says sarcastically just as Malia opens the door and growls at Theo.

"This isn't going to be good... Is it?" I whisper to Liam and he shakes his head just as Malia pounces, pinning Theo to the floor.

"Malia!" I yell but she just ignored me and continued to punch Theo. Nobody else in Scott's pack seemed to like Theo, whatever he did to them must've been worse than what Liam told me. Theo was pretty nice in my opinion. Sure he was sarcastic, but so was I. When I knew Theo had had enough I ran over to Malia and pulled her off him.

"He gets the idea Malia!" I yell and she growls once more but doesn't attack. Theo sat up and nodded a "thanks" to me. "He remembers Stiles."

Scott and Malia look at me. Theo stands to his feet.

"He can help us." Liam says.

"Kylie remembers Stiles, I remember Stiles, so does Scott." Malia says.

"I know about The Wild Hunt from the Dread Doctors." Theo says and stands up straight.

"The what doctors?" I ask everyone looks at me.

"Long story." They all say in unison.

"Whatever, I want to get Stiles back. I can't stand the idea of never seeing him again. Please, just let Theo show us where we can set up the rod. If he tries anything, send him back." I say and turn to Scott. Scott takes a deep breath.

"Fine." He turns to Theo. "But if you try anything, I'll send you back myself."


Liam and I were walking through the woods with Theo chained and walking behind us. We were heading to meet the others, Mason, Hayden, and Corey were fixing up a trap while Malia and Scott were going over the plan. Liam and I were assigned to babysit Theo.

"I still think this is a horrible idea." Theo says behind us. "A large number of things could go wrong."

I looked at Liam. "Maybe he's right. What if something happens and someone gets hurt? I have a bad feeling."

"We all do. The only person who's bad feeling really matter are a banshee's. Everything is going to be okay." Liam says. We stop walking and I was standing close to him, our noses nearly touching. He glanced down at my lips then back up at my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I ask in a low tone. Liam nods then leans in and fills the space between our lips and kisses me.

"Should I leave you to alone?" Theo calls out. I pull away and look at him. He lifts up his chained wrists. "Oh wait, I can't."

"We should get going." I say and Liam nods. He jerks Theo's chains and pulls him forward. 


We found the place we were supposed to meet the others at and Liam released Theo from his chains. I walk over to Mason and examine the cage he'd put together.

"Are you sure it'll hold one?" I ask and Mason nods.

"It should."

Suddenly I heard something start up and I looked over to see Theo pushing up a lever on a large tank.

"Are you sure about this Scott?" Mason asks beside me.

"Do it."

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