16 // liam and i teach a teacher

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Liam and I were standing against lockers pretending to be normal teenagers (which we weren't) until the pair of teachers in the hallway left. We were picking up some supplies to test out Hayden's idea to hurt one of the Ghost Riders. She'd told me that the had to go do something with her sister so she gave me a list of supplies. Once the teachers were gone Liam pulled me into the faculty supply room. I pulled out the list and started grabbing the supplies I needed but stopped when I saw Mr. Douglas sitting at a table covered in wires and joints.

"Mr. Douglas? Are you making a tazer?" I ask and Liam appeared at my side. Mr. Douglas looked up at me and quickly began to clean up his stuff.

"No, of course not." He says frantically, Liam stops him.

"You saw them didn't you? At the lacrosse game?" Liam asks and Mr. Douglas nods.

"Dozens of them." Mr. Douglas says.

"I don't think a tazer is going to help too much Mr. D." I say. "But we can teach you a few things, if you want to fight back."


So, Liam and I followed Mr. Douglas to his classroom and rolled out a map of the underground way to Argent's bunker.

"We think that we can lock on of them in this bunker. They travel by lightning and lightning can't reach the bunker." I say.

"We are going to use a lightning rod to distract one of The Riders and then we push him into the bunker." Liam adds.

"How ars you going to activate the rod?" Mr. Douglas asks.

"We were hoping we could find a strong enough electricity source." I answer.

"There's nothing you can find here strong enough." Mr. Douglas says.

"I've got that covered." Liam says and I look over at him skeptically.

"You do?" I ask and he nods and grabs my hand.

"Stay safe Mr. D." Liam says and pulls me out of the classroom.

"The only thing I think we can use would be Josh's power. Scott told you about him didn't he?" Liam says.

"Yeah, but he said he was dead." I say and Liam nods.

"He is but his power didn't die with him. The guy that killed him, Theo, took his power." Liam says.

"And where is this Theo guy now?" I ask and Liam looks at me.

"You'll see."

Stilinski's Sister // L.D. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя