Why is it so hard to get a divorce?!

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There was only one way out of this life for Gongsun Li. If she could get a divorce from the emperor, nobody could keep her captivated in this hell of a palace!

"And that should be easy." She thought.

She just had to see the emperor and ask for it. Of course, the mighty emperor wouldn't make a fuss about getting a divorce from a lowly concubine, would he?

So, Gongsun Li took a deep breath and got ready to see the emperor.

A few days later.......

Gongsun Li returned to her room and fell on her bed with a loud thud. She was tired as hell!!!!

These few days, she ran all around the palace just to see the emperor tirelessly, and guess what?!! She didn't get even a glance! Gongsun Li felt like pulling all her hair out in frustration! She was about to do that but again a high-pitched voice rang all around the palace.

"Hey, you all lowly concubines!! Get your ass here right now!!"

"Don't we deserve a little respect as the emperor's wife?" Gongsun li murmured with a tired sigh.

"No, we don't."

Surprised by the answer she turned to the source of the voice. It was a pretty girl, Gongsun li got only her side view because the girl was staring ahead. Her expression was calm with a subtle smile on her lips.

"But why? We are the temper-

"Emperor's wife?", the girl asked with a sarcastic tone in her voice. Gongsun Li stared at her and didn't know what to say.

"We are his majesty's wife in name only. We were brought here as maids and nothing else."

"What pathetic logic!! Why would he marry us if we were just maids?"

Now the girl turned and stared right into her face. There was still a smile in her eyes.

"That you should ask his majesty yourself, don't you think?"


Gongsun Li was just processing her words when the head servant shouted again,

"Listen, you all. His majesty is going on a tour of the Han state. His majesty needs a personal maid there. Get ready you all! One of the lucky ones can be picked any time"

As soon as she announced it, gasps and whispers filled the room.

Gongsun Li felt like she was dying of anticipation. Her whole aura bloomed with lights and flowers. It was a huge opportunity to see the emperor and get a divorce!!!

"But you all have to go through tough scrutiny and prove your capability before that."

Whaaaaaat!! Gongsun Li felt exasperated and her eyes started to twitch......

It's not like you are choosing a general to lead the war, it's just a personal maid you have to pick, Is there any need to do all that, You morons??!!

All her hopes vanished into thin air.

Wuhuhu, Why getting a divorce is so hard?

But she couldn't give up! This was her only chance, so she mustered all her courage and announced,

"Xiaonu (this little woman) would feel very honored to have the chance of serving his majesty. So, please consider xiao nu"

Gongsun Li predicted as soon as she announced, all the other concubines would protest and try to get the chance.

But there was only... erm.. silence?

She knew something was not right and looked around her surrounding.

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