Chapter 8

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Sal had gotten his snacks. He had some candy and chips. The puffy chips. They were less messy to him. He got an energy drink. He doesn't know what a Monster is, but it was recommended to him by someone at school one time. Though he wouldn't normally trust someone at school, he read through the ingredients and it seemed fine to him.

So he was 'walking' home when he thought he saw something by the apartments. He knew he should've just went inside, but his curiosity got the better of him. So he set his snacks down, next to the building and went into the woods to check it out.

He walked and walked and walked for what seemed like forever, even though it's only been 15 minutes. He stopped once he heard something coming at him. He looked around and then he saw it. Two red eyes. Coming closer, Sal went to run but tripped. So he covered his face and then?! 

Nothing. Nothing happened. He opened his eyes and saw a raccoon running up a tree. 

AH, the lights were just playing tricks on me. 

Sal thought he was just being paranoid at this point. He got up and walked back to the apartments. Picking up his snack foods and went back inside. He checked the time and groaned. 

"Le fucking sigh!" He said loudly as he changed out of his now dirty clothes. He took a shower and changed into some ripped jeans and a sanitys fall shirt. It didn't matter what he wore, especially since he was going to a party. 

He walked to the kitchen and threw his snack foods into the pantry. Hiding them so his dad wouldn't find them.

"I'm leaving! Not that you are home or actually give two shits." Sal yelled. 

> With Ash and Larry <

Ash and Larry had gotten to the party that Neil and Todd, mostly Todd, invited them too. Larry didn't look as ecstatic as he normally does. Ash sighed and looked at him

"Alright, spill. What the hell is wrong with you Larry?"


"Fuck me, Larry, get your dick out of your ass and just tell me! You and Sal hardly get into fights and if you say it's nothing? I am just going to assume it was stupid, get over it, then try to hook Sal up with this cute girl I know. Oh what's her name? Zhaen? Oh, yeah she's really cute and totally his type."

"You fucking better not Ash, you know how I feel about that!" Larry's face was almost red. He was mad enough, she was just pushing his buttons at this point.

"Come on Larry, Sal isn't even here. You can say whatever is on your mind. If you don't wanna talk to him? Fine. But talk to me. We are all friends here."

Ash ushered Larry to tell her what was wrong and he did.

"I don't mind being called pushy, I am a pretty pushy person. But, he sat there and defended Travis, Ash. Like what he was doing was ok. He locked Sal in a locker room with a rabid dog. A dog. The thing that scares Sal the most. And he was just sitting there defending me. Telling me that I shouldn't beat the shit out of him. Can you believe that?!"

Ash nodded and sighed, "Of course, it's just in his nature Larry. It's how Sal is. He thinks there's an explanation for everything. I doubt Travis acts like that just because he is an ass. I mean, he is an asshole. Total douche, but there has to be a reason."

"You sound more like Sal than Sal does." They both laughed and Larry shrugged his shoulders.

"Thanks Ash, I really needed this. Now than, where's the booze at fuckers!"

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