Chapter 9

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Sal was halfway around the corner. Crying and not paying attention to where he was going. His vision was blurry from the tears and he ran into someone. Both parties falling over. He heard a girl groan and stopped crying. He was glad it was dark out. 

"Oh, fuck! Jesus! I'm so sorry!" He was on the ground next to the girl he just knocked down. How did he know it was a girl? It just sounded like one. He felt bad and wanted to keep apologizing, even though it was an accident.

"No way you could've seen me, it's ok." The girl stood up and he could hear her wince. 

"Oh my god! You're bleeding! You need a hospital an-" The girl grabbed his arm and he could see her silhouette shaking her head, "N-No hospitals. I just need to get home, will you help me?"

"Sure, are you crying?! I didn't mean to hurt you! I am so so sorry!"

He heard the girl sniffle and she shook her head again, "No, it's ok. Really. You didn't hurt me. Stitches are just a bitch."

We both laughed and he threw her arm around him as to help her out. 

"I can walk, it's ok. I have been walking around all day." The girl waved her cane like a maniac and Sal just laughed. 

"No way, me too. Except I haven't had a cane. I have just been limping."

"Whaaaaaaaat? Then I won't use one." She put her cane in her bag she had on her back. "My name is Zhaen by the way." She gets her arms off Sal and the limp together. 

"Oh, well my name is Sally Face."

"Sally Face?"

"Yeah, it's wei-"

"Do you mind if I call you Sal? It's more masculine." She laughed and Sal could tell she was smiling. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend if I did."

"No, it's fine. My friends call me that actually."

"What? That's so cool! So, what brings you here to the dark side of the day? I am not sure where I was going with that, but I was trying to ask you why you were out here." Zhaen laughed nervously as she had made herself look like an idiot in front of her new friend. 

"Oh, well, I was just at this party an-" 

"What? No way, I just came from one too. I had to leave though because I was out of place. I don't do so well around drunks. My last year of highschool and I don't like parties."

"I couldn't agree more. Alcohol and drugs are the only thing you find at high school parties."

"Right, but I am glad I left."


"Well, there were these three guys. All fighting. There was a brunette. He was beating up this guy I know, Travis, and this other guy stopped him. The brunette basically was an ass hat and took this guys mask off. My friend sent me the video but that was such a dick thing to do."

Sal knew what party she was at and who she was talking about, he didn't realize, but he had started crying. Zhaen heard and turned around.

"A-Are you ok?! Hey, I am sorry. Were you friends with the people in the video?" Just as she said this a car drove by. Lighting up both teenagers, showing Sal and his blue hair and scarred face. He was crying and then he covered himself with his hands.

"Y-You are the guy from the video! But you ar-"

"I don't need you to repeat what Larry said. I already know these things ok?? I don't need everyone to tell me that I look ugly or that I look like a freak! I KNOW ALREADY!! And I don't need it repe-" Sal was cut off by someone hugging him. He sat there and cried into the girls' shoulder and she rubbed his back.

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