Chapter 20

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Todd had to think of a way to get Zhaen away from Larry. He didn't know where or how he was going to get rid of her, but he knew today was the day (And the next chapter). Zhaen and Larry were basically yelling and laughing as they talked about stupid shit the whole time.

"And then I squirted Ketchup all over my white shirt. It was so nice and pretty, it had sleeves but not on the shoulders. It was comfy." Zhaen laughed and went down the frozen food aisle as Larry nodded.

"Dude, you get the Pizza Bagels and I will get the Inside out Pizza. It's pizza night." Larry said as he went over to the next aisle. Now was the time to see if Zhaen would go with Todd somewhere. Not right now, but maybe later. He could say he was planning something against the demon and see if she would help him. He could maybe tell her that it was a surprise for Sal. But whatever it was, he had to think fast because Zhaen had found the Pizza Bagels.

"So good! Some pepperoni, some plain cheese and some with sausage. What a good day this is!" She turned the box and almost screamed. She smiled and let out a small squeal, "And they are on sale! What a good day today has turned out to be."

Todd wished she wasn't thinking like that. He had already felt bad but started feeling worse. He didn't want to be thinking of things like this. He doesn't want to hurt Zhaen, but he has to protect Neil. He has to take the word of that demons' that Neil will be safe. He walked up to Zhaen and smiled.

"How lucky of us to come on a day when their frozen food is on sale. Hey, I have a very important task that we need to accomplish later today." He said as he grabbed some frozen food to not look suspicious. 

"Hm? I guess it was pretty lucky. Today is a good day huh? Anyways, what do you mean? I thought we were just playing board games today." Zhaen said as she grabbed more bagels.

"Yes, well, I think maybe it would do good for us if we get a head start. Ash and Sal already know about it," He lied, "And Sal wants to be the one to tell Larry. So here I am telling you. Later tonight around 10? We are gathering on the fifth floor. We want to have an over view of the forest and snap some photos. See if anything paranormal pops up." Todd was fiddling his thumbs and Zhaen started to look a bit worried.

"Hey, I am down for that, but are you alright?? You look as if you've been spooked by something. Which is crazy, considering you and the others hunt paranormal beings." Zhaen put her frozen food in a basket and Todd just nodded. 

"Yeah, I am fine. I am just tired from the monopoly game and thus why I look pale like I do." He smiled and moved his hands and arms as he shows himself. Zhaen just nodded and closed the freezer doors.

"Alright, so? I will meet you on the fifth floor at 10 tonight. I will bring my camera and tell Ash."

"N-No! Ash said she was going to be busy tonight. She has something to do with her grandmother so she won't be able to come tonight." Which wasn't wrong. Ash did have something to do but he didn't want Zhaen to tell Ash because he just wanted it to be the two of them.

"That's right. It slipped my mind. I guess it will be just the two of us than, I don't want to bother Sal or Fuck Face. I know that he wants some alone time tonight. Even if it's just a short amount of time. Which reminds me." Zhaen runs down the aisle, "Fuck face!" Zhaen yells at Larry down the next aisle.

"What is it Bad Bitch!" Larry looks down the aisle at a smiling Zhaen.

"Follow me if you want the conditioner I use!" Zhaen used in a Schwarzenegger voice.

"I'm on it!" Larry runs down the aisle and throws his stuff in the basket as he follows Zhaen down to the back of the store to the beauty products.

"I use Luscious Lyfe. They have really good shampoo and conditioner. The conditioner keeps your hair shiny and smooth all day and it smells good." She holds up a strawberry scented bottle and Larry smells it.

"Man, this is the kind of thing I want Sal to smell once I fuck him senseless." He smiles, "Ah, just thinking about him? Such a muffin."

"A blueberry muffin." Zhaen smiles and throws in two bottles of shampoo and two bottles of conditioner, "One for you and one for me." She says as they made their way towards the check out. Larry and Zhaen payed for the snacks then went on to continue their conversation about hair. Talking about different scents. Zhaen told him that if he washes his hair correctly, that his clothes and blankets would eventually smell like the scents he picked out. So for now, he is going to smell like a strawberry field and he didn't mind. He liked strawberries.

"I love them but Sal isn't a fan. He has trauma because as a kid he ate the stem and it left a bad image for him." Larry and Zhaen laughed. Sal was cute and innocent but didn't make the best choices. Both as a teen and child.

"Yeah, I am not a fan of strawberries either, but I like strawberry flavored and scented things. As long as there are no strawberry chunks in it? Then we are all good." Zhaen said as she looked back at Todd. He looked deep and thought and Zhaen thought she saw a flick of red in his eyes. She shook her head and brushed it off as her eyes playing tricks on her. She told herself she was just tired from the board game.

"What about you Todd?" Larry looked back after Zhaen, he wanted to include him in the conversation.

"I'm sorry, what?" Todd snapped back into reality and looked at both brunettes.

"Larry was asking if you like strawberries?" Zhaen said as they got back to the apartments.

"Oh, yes. I tend to like all the fruits. I have no problem with strawberries. I especially like it when Neil covers them in chocolate. They are both sweet and fruity at the same time." Todd said as Zhaen looked interested and Larry looked like he was sorry for asking.

"Yeah, I like fruit as well. I love fruit more than chocolate. Strawberries just aren't my thing." Zhaen said as they got back. Larry went back to talk to Ash and Sal as Zhaen was getting ready to take a nap.

"Alright, I will see you at 10, Todd. Goodnight for now." Zhaen said as she disappeared into a spare bedroom and laid down on the bed. Todd waved at her and sighed as he went back to join the others. Telling them that Zhaen went to take a nap.

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