Chapter 7

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Author's Note: Last time we went on a mission with Soap and Shadow. This time, it's Ghost's turn!

If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 7

"Ghost, do you copy?"

"Yes, sir. We're on the roof opposite of Ferelli's hotel room. It's empty at the moment," said Ghost looking into his binoculars.

"Roger that. Just to inform you that Intelligence collected by Soap and Shadow confirm that Ferelli has been supplying Makarov. You have permission to engage when you have sight of the target."

"Copy that. Ghost out." He turned to the other guys near him and told them, "Ok team, you heard Shepherd; we are authorized to engage."

"When we see him though; it's five in the fuckin' morning. Where is he?" asked Ozone sounding irritated.

"Ozone stay frosty," replied Ghost.

"I see two people entering the hotel," informed Toad. "One of them is Ferelli."

"Who is the woman?"

"I don't know Ghost. I didn't have the chance to take a good look at her."

They waited for Ferelli enter his room. He was accompanying a woman wearing a short skinny leopard-print dress wearing heavy make-up and high heels.

"Damn, our target is a player," laughed Archer.

"Sir, we have a visual on the target; he has a civilian with him. How do we proceed?"

"Kill the target only. You may fire at the bodyguards only if they fire back."

"Roger. Let's do this," said Ghost.

"The target is locked on," said Archer.\

"Wait!" said Ozone. Ferelli turned around with the woman in front of him her back at the window. "This is going to be tricky."

Ferelli and the woman started to remove their clothes and kissing each other.

"Who needs porn when you've got this?" asked Toad and they all laughed.

"Come on lads let's concentrate because if they back out from the window we're screwed," said Ghost.

"Was that a pun?" asked Ozone.

"No. The woman seems to be moving for the bed," said Ghost his eyes pressed on the binoculars. "They will reappear in the next window. Archer, take the shot when you see him. It's now or never."

"Roger that."

As he reappeared, Archer pressed the trigger and they saw Ferelli's lifeless body hit the floor. The woman started screaming and the bodyguards entered the room pointing their guns at the woman.

"Let's get out of here!" ordered Ghost and they all went for the stairs to exit the edifice. "Prepare your weapons we may find some hostiles as we exit the building."

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