Chapter 8

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 8

The phone started to vibrate and Malloy extended her hand slamming it on the bed trying to find it blindly as she was still fast asleep. She remembered that she had put it on her desk so she dragged her feet and walked to the desk like a zombie and picked it up.

"Hello?" she said half-asleep rubbing her eyes.

"Honey? Are you ok?" said a woman's voice on the other end of the line.\

"Mum? Why are you calling?"

"Oh I've missed you and I thought I'd give you a call. Were you sleeping? It's almost noon!"

"I had a mission this night that's why I slept in. How's everybody?" she asked sitting back on the bed.

"Well your father is always working and your sister came to visit this morning, she had the day off. How are things there?"

"We've been moved permanently here in the UK with another Task Force. Are you going to stay here or move back to the States?"

"We decided to stay here sweetheart. Your father is needed here mostly; Louise managed to find a permanent job and now you."

"I hope you're not uncomfortable with this Mum, I'm sorry."

"Oh no, it's not your fault! Besides, the neighbors are so friendly here and it's lovely. When are you coming to visit?"

"As soon as they give me permission; chances are very slim though."

"Oh," she sighed. "So, are there any cute boys there?"

"First of all, they're men, not boys we're not in high school. Secondly, seriously Mum? Are you doing this?"

"It would be nice if you settled down like your sister that's all."

"I'm glad she has a husband who loves her but I cannot settle down and you know it."

"You can find another job-"

"No Mum. Listen I have to go. I'll call you later. Love you."

She went back to bed and pulled the covers over her head trying to sleep again. At that moment there was a knock on the door.

"What?!" said Malloy irritated.

The door opened slightly and a head popped in.

"Is this a bad time?" asked MacTavish cautiously seeing her still in bed.

"I'm trying to sleep. Do you need something?"

"We were going to grab something to eat and came to ask you if you wanted to come."

"Thanks, man but I'm not really in the mood."

"I'll see you later then," smiled MacTavish and closed the door behind him.

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It was two o'clock in the afternoon when Malloy woke up feeling rested. She went to take a shower as her room had a small bathroom. As the water was falling on her face she felt relaxed until she remembered what her mum told her earlier. She sighed as she thought about one of the times which made her join the Army.

'Taylor, I miss you so much my friend,' thought Malloy.

She put on black trousers and a black tank top, dried her hair and tied it into a high ponytail and went to the recreation room to read a book until her squad arrives. There were a few men playing billiard and Roach was amongst them and others watching some TV discussing which celebrity they would date. Malloy sat on the couch on the far side of the room as it was empty and did not want to be bothered. She opened her book and continued reading from where she left off.

The Elite Task Force (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Fanfiction) ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt