Chapter 9

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Author's Note: Here is Chapter 9! A relaxing time for both the Task Forces. 

If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 9

Malloy and Williams changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and started walking to the rec room to meet with the others. There was a lot of shouting and talking in the room all dressed casually.

"Holy shit you're like a bunch of chickens. Can you please quiet down?" shouted Williams.

"Come on gals we'll have to divide into two groups, three in one car and three in another. I'll drive one and Daniels you can drive the other and follow me there."

"Will the 141 be joining us?" asked Alex.

"Yeah, they will be meeting us there," replied Williams.

"Oorah!" said Daniels.

They proceeded to the cars and drove at the bar with Daniels following Malloy. They finally arrived and parked the cars and entered the bar.

"Damn, it's been so long since I had a good cold beer," said Allen.

"Try not to get wasted because I am not going to carry anyone back at the base tonight," said Alex.

The bar had a cozy environment; with low lights, a TV in the corner and a lot of photos of soldiers pinned on the wall. They sat around a large table most of them having beer or cocktails in front of them.

"Williams, Alex, how was Afghanistan?" asked Malloy drinking her beer.

"It was hot as hell," complained Red.

"It sucked!" replied Williams, "at least the locals were sexy."

"Williams, we need to find you a man," laughed Daniels.

"Not all of us have a boyfriend waiting for us back home girl," replied Williams.

"How's Derek?" Allen asked Daniels.

"He's fine and was just promoted at the firm he's working at. Also," Daniels paused for a moment and smiled as she raised her left hand revealing a diamond ring on her ring finger.

"Oh my God he proposed!" shouted Collins standing up pointing at her hand. Everyone started cheering and congratulating her and Malloy proposed a toast.

"To the lucky woman, who managed to find an awesome man to torture for the rest of his life. Cheers!"

"Fuck you, Malloy," replied Daniels laughing, raising their drinks and they resumed talking.

"So, a Scottish hottie with a Mohawk? Sign me up for the 141!" laughed Collins.

"He's hot alright, I wouldn't mind training with him," Red winked drinking vodka.

"Hands off ladies," smiled Williams looking at Malloy as the latter rolled her eyes.

"I liked the Lieutenant better," said Allen, "so mysterious."

"We can conclude that the 141 consists of hotties," said Alex slamming her glass against the table.

"Please remember that we're not here on a dating service but to bring down that son of a bitch," said Malloy raising her eyebrows.

At that moment, the door opened and men entered talking loudly.

"There they are!" said Ozone rushing to take a seat near Malloy.

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