Chapter 22

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Author's Note: Thank you for the comments! You made me so happy :3 Here is another chapter for ya. Enjoy :D

If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 22

Collins was yawning while holding her tray with her breakfast on it. She hadn't slept much that night and as a result, she woke up grumpy and in a bad mood. She scanned the mess hall and saw Roach sitting alone and walked towards him. As she got near, she noticed that he was writing in a journal while sipping his coffee.

"Good morning sir. May I join you?" she asked.

"Good morning Private. Yes, of course," he said motioning to the seat in front of him. "I told you that you can call me Roach, not Sir or Sergeant, understood?

"Yes, s... Roach," she said and she spilled some of her orange juice on the table. "Darn!"

"You ok this morning Lainey? You look frustrated," remarked Roach.

"Yes, I'm fine, don't worry. I didn't know you had a journal."

"It helps me keep my mind clear," he replied tucking it away.

"Good morning guys," said Daniels as she, Allen and Red joined them at the table.

"What happened to your hand?" asked Roach as he noticed that Daniels' right hand was heavily bandaged.

"Fell on it during PT. Cannot even fire a gun with it," she said irritated.

The two lieutenants and captains joined them at the table as well, only Price was missing.

"You four sure look happy this morning," said Red smiling in a mischievous manner.

"Can't we be happy?" asked Malloy indifferently.

"Malloy, you always have a poker face on. If you're smiling, that means that you had sex," said Allen chewing on some pancakes and MacTavish choked on his coffee.

"Is there something you need to tell us Captain?" asked Ghost winking.

"Sod off," he replied. "Does anything escape you ladies?"

"Captain, we're Special Forces and we're women. Of course, nothing escapes us," said Daniels.

"Mac, you always think about sex. My hypothesis would be that you need to get laid," said Malloy winking at her and Allen stuck her tongue out at her captain.

Everybody heard a crash and a 'Fuck!' and they turned around and saw Collins drenched in glass fragments and orange juice.

"Whoa! Did Collins just say 'fuck'?" asked Williams in disbelief.

"So?" replied Collins fuming, while trying to clean herself up.

"Lainey, you don't even say 'damn' or 'hell', let alone 'fuck'. Is everything alright?" asked Allen worried.

Collins did not have the chance to reply as she was interrupted by Malloy.

"General on deck!" she said and they all stood up in attention.

"Good morning," said General Malloy smiling. "After you finish your breakfast I'd like to see Private Collins and Captain Malloy in my office please."

"Yes sir!" replied Collins and Malloy.

General Malloy furrowed his brow and looked at Collins confused who was still covered in juice ad glass shards. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.

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