Chapter 27

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Author's Note: Thank you for your comments, I appreciate your support! :D

If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 27

C-130 rolling down the strip
Elite Task Force on a one-way trip
Stand up, hook up, shuffle through the door
Jump right out and count to four
Mission undetermined, destination unknown

We don't even know if we're ever coming home

And if I die in a combat zone

Box me up and ship me home
Pin my medals upon my chest
Tell my mama I've done my best

For duty, honor, country I'd give my life

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Fox stood there staring at the soldier having a victorious smirk in his face.

This is how she is going to die.

A bullet went through the enemy's forehead and sides. Still shocked, Williams looked to the left and saw MacTavish and Ghost pointing their weapons at the soldier who is now sprawled across the floor. She couldn't help but express a sigh of relief; maybe this wasn't the end just yet. Together with the rest of the 141, they cleared the area and walked over to the ETF.

"You found us," said Collins.

"Of course we did," said Price. "How long did you think you were going to keep it from us lass?"

Ozone scanned the team and noticed that Malloy is missing.

"Hey, where's Shadow?"

"After Espinosa," said Red.

"We have to go and help her," ordered MacTavish.

"She's in that yellow apartment," said Williams.

"Ozone, Roach, and Worm, secure the area!" ordered Price. "If you see movement, inform us immediately.

"Yes, sir."


"Aaarrgghh stronza!" yelped Espinosa in pain as she clutched her wounded leg.

She used the wall as support and steadied herself as she looked at Malloy.

"You cheated."

"You really thought I was going to play clean with you Teresa?" asked Malloy huffing.

"Good point," she smirked getting a gun out from behind her back and pointed it at Malloy.

"Two of us can play at that game tesoro."

Malloy put up her hands thinking of her next move. Actually, she didn't have any; she was doomed.

'You have got to be kidding me,' she thought fuming.

Her Beretta was lying a few feet away from her. However, a slight movement from her side means that Espinosa will pull the trigger. She needs to distract her.

"How the hell did a woman as highly as capable as you pair up with someone?" asked Malloy trying to buy herself some time. "I always thought you were the working alone type."

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