Chapter 12

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Author's Note: Here we go! :D another chapter is up!

If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 12

Malloy was in her room studying some documents and trying to figure out the connection between them. She realized that she needed some signatures from Ghost and Soap.

'I fuckin' hate paperwork,' thought Malloy angrily.

She still did not manage to find out who this F. Castro was; no hint of this individual's identity. The Major was at a loss as well; everyone's doing their best to find out. This individual had purchased armament the same days as Makarov.

'That's what we need, another damn enemy.'

Her phone started ringing and she sighed hoping someone would save her from this boredom.


"Lisa, it's your father."

"Dad?" she asked confused. "How can I help you?"

"I am at your base at the moment. I need to talk to you; can you go outside please because I am lost here."

"Coming; just keep going further into the base. I'll see you soon."

She hung up, straightened herself and took a last look at the mirror making sure that her uniform, the standard US Army attire, was neat and went outside to wait for a military vehicle with her father in it. After a few minutes, she saw a vehicle approaching and stopped near her. A man got out wearing a green uniform with military decorations attached to his left side of his chest and four stars on his shoulders. He looked smart and had fearless light green eyes, a soft face and a light brown mixed with a grey mustache. The hair which was showing under the green beret matched the color of his mustache.

"Sir, welcome to the base," saluted Malloy.

"As you were. Come here honey, give your old man a hug," he said opening his arms smiling.

Malloy smiled and hugged her dad. "It's been too long. What brings you down here?"

"America is in trouble," he said in a serious voice.

Malloy's eyes got wider. "Thank God we stayed here then. Before we go to my office to discuss this further, I need to show you something."

As they were walking, Malloy spotted Williams jogging with Red.

"Hey Fox, have you seen the 141?" asked Malloy.

"They're in the rec room talking with the rest of the squad. Sir," saluted Williams, "it is a great pleasure to see you again."

"How are you Lieutenant?" saluted the General before turning to Red. "Who are you, soldier?"

Red saluted and said, "Sergeant First Class Alexandra Petrov sir."

"At ease," he said turning to Malloy, "she is the Russian you told me about?"

Malloy nodded smiling. "Carry on," she said and started walking to the rec room with her father.

"This place is not bad. At least Shepherd is keeping you in a decent place. Is he still annoying and full of himself?" Charlie asked his daughter.

"Yes, he is," she laughed. "It is quite bearable though. The men here treat us very well and are at our disposition 24/7."

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