Chapter 2

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Lyra's wrists throbbed as the Paladin had bound them together tightly behind her back, but that pain was nothing compared to the pain of her fighting the collar's compulsion. Anyone else would have continued on their mission just to end the pain. But Lyra had known pain all her life and she had practice in blocking it out. But she knew eventually she would reach her pain threshold. She pushed the thought aside. She didn't know what she would do then. The Paladin that had defended her seemed to have been assigned as her guard. No one spoke to her for several days, although the Paladin that had wanted to kill her kept giving her cold glares that would cause her to try to hide. She knew she should rest and sleep when they made camp but she was too afraid to, both that she would wake up back at Alora's sanctuary and that the Paladins would kill her. She'd heard the rumors and hoped they were just that and not the truth. Her guard kept offering her bread but she was too afraid that he would snatch it away at the last second and was only tormenting her. On the third day, he tried a different approach.

"You really should eat. I know you must be starving," he said as he held bread dipped in stew in front of her.

"I'm not hungry." She spoke in a whisper, afraid that the others would hear her and berate her for disturbing them. Her stomach called her out on her lie when it rumbled loudly, causing an amused look to appear on his face.

"I think your stomach begs to differ."

Lyra looked at the bread.

"Come on."

She leaned forward but kept watching him for any sign that he was teasing her with food. But his hand remained steady, his kind blue eyes encouraging her to eat.

"I promise I won't take it away." His eyes held a knowing look and she knew then that he knew what it was like to go hungry.

The flavor of the stew and bread filled her mouth and she chewed slowly, savoring the small morsel she'd been given.

"See?" He began to feed her allowing her time to chew and swallow. "When was the last time you ate?"

"I'm... not sure," she answered slowly. "The days have run together. My last meal was a few berries I'd found in the forest. I think."

"What's your name?"

"Lyra. Lyra Mahariel."

"I'm Talish Gemini."

"Thank you for defending me. I thought your companions were going to kill me."

"Those rumors are just that: rumors. We don't hunt down and kill spellcasters. They have to give us a reason first."

Lyra smiled for the first time since having the spell cast upon her. For some reason unknown to her, she felt safe with Talish. It was the first time in her entire life she'd ever felt safe.

First Knight Mathros Palini met the patrol at the gates and noticed the bound, wide-eyed teenager immediately.

"Picking up strays, I see," he said jokingly.

"She requested the sanctuary of the Paladins."

"So you drag her in here like a prisoner?" Mathros took a step past the commanding officer and then saw why.

The girl looked down, trying her best to hide the glowing collar with her head. He lifted her chin so he could study the collar better. Her emerald eyes briefly met his before she looked away.

"Have you tried to remove it?"

"None of us are powerful enough. The sorceress is a powerful one."

"Bring her to my office."

She looked over at Knight Gemini, who nodded. It seemed the girl trusted the Knight that was being considered for promotion to Sergeant. He'd have to speak to him later. The girl reluctantly allowed the Commander to lead her to Mathros' office by the arm. The Commander sat her in a chair.

"What is your name, girl?"

"Lyra Mahariel," she answered barely audible and her eyes downcast. Mathros didn't know if it was from habit or shame.

"How old are you?"

"14 springs."

"Who cast the binding spell on you?"

She looked up, her eyes wide with fear. "Don't ask me that!"

"We have to find a way to free you of the spell. Answer the question."

"If I tell you, you'll send your men after her and then she'll know where I am! She'll order me to kill you. Please, I beg you! Don't make me tell you!" Tears flowed as she spoke and he could hear genuine fear in her voice. She was truly afraid of her and for the safety of his men. "Please!"

"If I promise I won't send my men after her, will you tell me?"

Lyra shook her head. "I can't be sure you won't go after her because of me. I don't want their blood on my head. The only way I'll be free is by death. No one can face her and live. And those that do live are never the same afterward."

Mathros' eyes widened. There was only one sorceress Lyra's words could describe and it was for the best if his men didn't know who had cast the spell on Lyra. He couldn't help but feel pity for the poor girl. Only the gods knew what she'd gone through in the past 14 years. And now. He knew the glow of the collar meant she was under orders but she was fighting the compulsion to obey. Something not many could do for long.

"You know I cannot allow you to roam free on the grounds."

She nodded. "I know. I did not expect to be allowed to."

Mathros nodded at the Commander. He grabbed her arm and the two exited his office, her head downcast and shoulders slumped. The poor girl had no hope at all.

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