Chapter 24

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Will clutched his scepter and looked around him. The teenage boy was surrounded by four Paladins. And they didn't look too happy. Not many people dared to approach a Druid, let alone threaten them. But Will had wandered too far from the village looking for a certain plant he used for salves. While he couldn't heal a bruise, he could make potent healing salves and a command of nature that no one could rival. But right now, he couldn't even grasp his magic, his fear was so great. These were Paladins. And they harnessed magic. Will was one of the rare ones that could sense a fellow spellcaster. They weren't the strongest he'd come across, but they were still pretty strong. If they didn't kill him with the blade they would with magic, he was sure.

"Are you just going to stare?" one asked. "Give us a reason."

Another gave him a push. Will tried to back away but only bumped into another one. No matter where he tried to go, a Paladin was in his path.

"What is going on here?" a woman's voice asked.

The four Paladins turned. Will saw a woman with red-brown hair and green leathers with a brown-haired man in chain mail and a green tunic standing next to her. She was glaring at the men and Will could sense a great power in her. This woman was the most powerful spellcaster he had ever come across. All four of the Paladin together didn't, couldn't, compare.

"This is Paladin business, lady. Move along."

"I will not." She had no fear of them.

"This is none of your business!"

"The Druid is my business." There was almost an air of authority to her. "I suggest you move on before I let First Knight Orana know that four Knights were interfering in Guardian business."

"Please. As if you could."

"Don't test me, Knight."

"Come on. She means business."

"I'm not scared of a woman. Even if she is claiming to be a Guardian of Veloce."

The woman suddenly stepped forward, her stance not much different than a commanding officer's. "You will leave the Druid alone, Knight. Do I make myself clear? I doubt you want to be confined to the Keep and be on either prison or latrine duty. Kalmin will do that once he finds that you are impeding the duty of the Guardians."

"She's right. You know he'll do that and not think twice. He respects the Guardians enough to allow a Captain to join them."

The disrespectful Paladin backed away once he saw her commanding presence. He inclined his head. "Yes, ma'am."

They left and she released the hold she'd had on her magic once they were out of sight. The man was giving her a curious look.

"Thanks," Will said.

"I didn't think there'd be any Paladins out here," the man said.

"I don't think they were here under orders. Many of the Paladins really hate spellcasters."

"Even though they're spellcasters themselves?"

The woman blinked in surprise. "How did you know about that?"

"Wait," the man said. "Paladins are spellcasters?" Then he looked at the woman. "And how would you know they were?"

"Not now, Aiden."

Aiden looked at her like he was trying to figure her out.

"I sensed it in them." The look in her eye asked him not to say anything. And he didn't. "Your companion will be glad that you arrived."

The two looked at each other.

"Our companion?"

"The other Guardian. You said you were here on Guardian business."

"We weren't aware that there was another here."

"We heard the Guardians were scattered. Come, perhaps you and your friend can shed light on each other. She came here looking for you."

Neve had been welcomed by the village elder, who'd seen her coming.

"You seek our aid in finding your fellow Guardians?" he asked.

"I do, Elder. I know three others escaped the night of that battle, but only two survived. It is those two I seek to find."

"Guardian, you are wrong. Altogether, nine Guardians escaped. Two fled with your wounded commander. You were correct in saying that the commander did not survive. Those two headed to Halmont while you stayed close to Arlan's estate. Of the other five, I am afraid that two of them are dead now. One was captured by Arlan's men and his body is now food for the carrion fowl on his gallows. The other died only recently, but he fought gallantly next to the two you seek. Alas, they could not save him and he passed into the Beyond in Halmont."

She didn't think they would have gone to Halmont. It was the last place she expected... Then it dawned on her. Of course, they went to the last place Arlan would expect them to be. It was brilliant.

"The last three are in hiding, keeping their presence unknown. But know they are safe for now. Make yourself as one of us, Guardian, and await your friends."

"They're coming here?"

"One is being guided by the Great Mother herself. A rare gift."

Now she was hearing talk that two Guardians had saved the elder's son from Paladins. Neve could hear the excited chatter and went to join them. She rounded a hut and nearly ran into Lyra. The young woman quickly sidestepped to avoid her, impressing Neve with her agility.

Lyra's face brightened. "Neve!"

"Am I glad to see you two alive!"

"And we are glad to see you alive," Aiden said.

"We have much to speak of. About the others."

Aiden and Lyra looked at each other. Neve turned away and headed to the hut the elders had allowed her to use. The other two followed.

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