Chapter 18

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Sari crumpled the missive in her hands.

"I don't like that look," her son, Daylen, said.

"What Guardians that weren't killed are in Arlen's dungeons. Is there any word on Faeren?"

"No one's seen him since the battle but there was a report that he fell in battle. I haven't been able to confirm that yet. I don't know if any of the Guardians escaped death or capture. They refused to leave the battlefield when the retreat was sounded."

"First Faeren insists that my tactics were in bad judgment and then he tries to take the glory as I'm pulling my men back?"

"If he was dead or dying, then there's a chance that he wasn't able to give the command."

Sari frowned. "Ask around the camp and find anyone who saw Faeren during the battle. If he deserted me, he will have to answer to me and he will regret his decision as he dances on the gallows! He should know not to cross me!"

"Mother, we need Faeren. Hanging him will not gain the Guardians' loyalty. Nor will threatening and demanding it."

"Find me someone who saw Faeren, Daylen."

Daylen sighed and left the tent. He worried about her. He feared that this desire of hers to fill his uncle's throne would be in vain. Arlan had superior forces and troops. He was prepared to fight to the bitter end. Daylen knew his mother had no chance. Just like they had no chance in that battle. But he knew something that Sari did not. In fact, he was sure he was the only one who knew now. King Mael, himself, a novice healer, another Guardian, and Faeren had been the only ones who knew. And it was a secret that he was sure would end the war for good. But he didn't even know where to start. He pushed it to the back of his mind and mingled among the men.

The young soldier had been the only one to recall seeing Faeren fall thus he was now standing in Sari's tent.

"He was set upon by several of Arlan's men. I didn't see what happened but the next thing I saw was they were gone and a woman in dark green leather armor was in front of him taking on everyone who came at them. Every time I thought she was going to be overwhelmed, she overcame them. She had a strength and a skill I'd never seen before."

"What happened then?"

"I returned to fighting. When I saw them next, another one of the Guardians had joined them and was kneeling next to Faeren. He looked pretty bad. And then they suddenly disappeared."

"Disappeared? What do you mean, disappeared?"

"They just vanished. They were there one moment and gone the next."

Daylen bit his lip. Something didn't sound right. Who was this woman with such skill and strength? Was she a Guardian? He knew they'd inducted two new Guardians the day before. Sari was scowling in thought. He knew better than to disturb her. He motioned for the soldier to follow him out of the tent.

"Thank you for the information." He handed him a small purse of silvers. "Is there anything you remember the woman doing before they disappeared?"

The man thought a moment. "After the man had knelt to check on Faeren, she turned towards the battle. She held her hand up and I saw her lips moving. I assumed she was speaking to the Guardian. The moment she stopped speaking was when they disappeared." Daylen nodded. "My Lord, is it true about Faeren and the Guardians? Is it true they are all dead?"

"I'm... really not sure. We have every reason to believe so."

"Then we're all doomed." The soldier walked away.

If what he said was true, then the woman was a Paladin. An arcane warrior. Very few people knew of their existence and even fewer knew that the Paladins were an entire Order of arcane warriors. He idly wondered if Faeren had known what she was capable of. Sari called his name and he sighed, turning and disappearing into the tent. The soldier was right, if they had lost their ancient protectors, Veloce was doomed to fall.

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