Chapter 71

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The Valkyrie were preparing for war. The souls in the Halls of the Valkyries could see that. And Kalatira could see the longing in many eyes. Most of those eyes belonged to Guardians of Veloce. It had been many centuries, if not millennium, since they'd even raised the swords that hung at their hips. She knew several of the gods themselves were preparing. No mortal in history could ever say they had the Valkyrie and the gods at their back. Their traditional chainmail was being replaced by chainmail more battle-worthy. Every Valkyrie was massing and preparing. It saddened Kalatira's heart but aid had been promised to the Champion.

"Will our aid be enough?" a young Valkyrie asked. "Will our aid alter the world?"

"I know not but I see this war finally coming to an end."

"We have waited for the day this weary war would come to an end. But at what cost, Kalatira?"

It was a question that hung in the air and the reason the Chief Valkyrie's heart was heavy. At what cost?

Many of the gods themselves had sworn to aid the Champion when she called for it. Already three were directly aiding her in the mortals' world. Gaia was unsure of how many of her children would join the battle to come. Despite all their efforts to erode support for Sari and Arlan, many were still flocking to fight for them. But the people were rallying behind Aiden and Lyra, common folk and noble alike. Never before had the gods interfered on this scale. Perhaps a god here or there would aid a hero, but never more than one. And Gaia was sure they would never interfere like this again.


After reviewing Arlan's strategies, Aiden saw why he'd been so successful in his campaign for the throne. The man was a military genius and knew how to position his men for the desired results. Now that Aiden had his hands on the man's writings, he had a better chance at countering Arlan. All he had to do was choose the playing field. Lyra and Will had managed to gather every spellcaster in the kingdom and convince them to join Aiden. Many of the Druids answered Aiden's call to arms, much to Will's delight. Shadeux Rogue, now under new leadership, joined with them, even if Saren and Neve didn't trust any of them after having been betrayed by their former guild master. The Order of the Wolf joined without question. Deandra and her brood gathered every dragon in the land, from the northern ice drakes to the southern water dragons. Even if Morrigan, Thorn, and Draven were the only gods to fight at their sides, Aiden welcomed their strengths. Talish discovered three more survivors of the Paladin attack, bringing their ranks to seven. They had their army and a mostly united kingdom. Lyra surprised Aiden by presenting him with his new banner. The prince unfurled the fabric to reveal a golden dragon on a forest green background.

"A dragon?" he asked with a smile. "Fitting."

Lyra returned the smile. "We thought so as well. Now we can be united under your banner."

Aiden placed a hand on her cheek. "Now all we need to do is survive."


Sari's numbers had dwindled rapidly since Aiden's entrance into the battle for the throne. Arlan's stayed close to the same, although he was sure he'd had many deserters who flocked to Aiden's camp. Sari was certain that her chances would have been better if she'd joined forces with Arlan, but that would have meant conceding to her uncle and her pride would not allow her to do so. So she chose to stand against her uncle and her nephew. Arlan was still confident that he could defeat both Sari and Aiden, even with Aiden now being the one with the superior numbers. The three armies met outside Citori. It would be here, in the fields outside of the capital that the fate of Veloce would be decided and the next monarch chosen. Whoever was the victor here would rule the country. Arlan was confident that it would be him and he would execute everyone who'd stood in his way, even if it meant killing his niece and nephew.

Aiden looked over the opposing armies. Arlan and Sari's selfish pride both led to this point. He turned and looked over the army they'd gathered over the past year. Every one of the brave men and women at his back had joined him voluntarily. He'd used no means of intimidation or threats as Arlan and Sari did, thus they followed him willingly. Many did so believing that he would end this war for good. Aiden then looked at each of his friends. Saren and Neve were having a brother and sister moment. Alondo and Erin, despite not passing their Trial, refused to stay behind in Atevora. They wanted to aid Aiden with their skills. He'd noticed both of their skills had improved since that final Guardians Trial. Alondo was holding Erin in his arms and her head rested on his chest. Will, who'd grown from the awkward teenager to the confident young man Aiden now saw, stood ready, one hand on his sword and his scepter in the other. Grace, despite her age, was standing at Will's right side. Aiden had tried to convince her to stay behind in Atevora, but she refused, saying that he needed every Guardian to stand behind him. Kara stood at his left, her hand over his. Lex stood next to her. All three Guardians stood ready. Shara was twirling one of her knives, eager for battle. She worried him sometimes. Daylen didn't look so eager. Aiden knew his cousin wasn't looking forward to facing off with his mother. Talish stood with the other Paladins. He nodded at Aiden, who returned the nod. Draven was walking and conversing amongst the assassins while Morrigan was conversing with the soldiers and mercenaries. Thorn was standing directly behind Aiden, his greatsword stuck into the earth before him and his hands resting on the pommel, looking very much like a statue in one of his temples. He felt Lyra's hand on his and he looked at her. She gave him a reassuring smile. He loved how her eyes seem to light up when she did so. Aiden still could barely believe that the beauty in the worn leather armor with the sword at her hip and the standard in her hand was the most powerful sorceress in Veloce. After seeing the display that killed her mother, he was glad that she was on their side. But he feared for her safety, even though he knew she could take care of herself. He loved her and didn't want to see her hurt.

"We can do this," Lyra said, interrupting Aiden's thoughts. "It ends here."

He gave her a smile before placing his hand on her cheek. "That it does, but I do not want you overexerting yourself. I really don't think this will be a short battle."

"I know. I will only use what I need. This sword isn't decoration."

Aiden chuckled. Lyra squeezed his hand before taking a few steps forward and planting the standard into the ground. She returned to his side and he turned back towards the army. All eyes were now on him.

"Before us stands the very reasons we have been forced to take up arms!" he began, his voice carrying clearly over his army. "Before us stands the reasons why this country has been torn apart the way it has!" He motioned towards the two armies. "For eight years, they have fought for the throne. For eight years, they have devastated the very people they are supposed to protect as king or queen! I do not know why Mael was killed. But I do not question my duty to the people and to Veloce! Today, we end this war! Today, we avenge the death of my father! Of my brothers! Of my sister! We avenge the innocent lives lost to this war! We avenge the Guardians killed because of blind greed! We avenge the Paladins killed for standing up to a tyrant!"

His army cheered with each group he swore to avenge.

Aiden turned and drew his sword. "Today, we show Sari and Arlan that we will now back down! Today, we show them we will stand our ground. Today, we are united as one!"

Aiden held his sword up as his men cheered even louder. Blades were drawn. Shields were placed in position. Staves and scepters were charged with magic. Bows were drawn and arrows were nocked. The people were ready to fight for their prince.

"For Veloce!"

Behind them, a loud and long battle cry was shouted. Across the field, Arlan made the first move, his troops charging towards Aiden's. The final battle of the war had begun.

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