Chapter 34

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Aiden woke Lyra for her turn at the watch. She took her position and began to slowly circle their campsite. They were all close together, asleep. Neve refused to leave her brother's side. No one was going to make her either. Altogether, they numbered nine with Will being the only one in the group not a Guardian. Lyra was clueless as to what they needed to do next. She was still far from ready to face Alora, her blood ran cold at the mere thought of it. And they couldn't unite the kingdom until she did. She didn't think that going to Halmont again would be a good idea. Arlan would watch the Guardians' home religiously in the hopes of catching them. She didn't want those deaths on her head and the lives of the brothers who stayed behind to have been spent in vain. She could feel eyes watching her and she searched the wilderness about her. She felt someone walk up behind her and she spun around, sword drawn. A hand grabbed her wrist and she started to go for her magic. Then she saw that she was face to face with the War God.

"You have good instincts, Lyra." Behind him was his sister.

Lyra released her magic. "Can you let go of my wrist?" He complied and Lyra sheathed her sword. "What are you doing here? I wasn't aware you could leave Pantheon."

The Warrior Goddess chuckled. "We're gods. We can do whatever we wish." She stepped closer. "We come with a warning. Arlan has murdered the men who survived the skirmish to allow your escape. He has declared the Guardians of Veloce traitors. I fear your journey is becoming wrought with even more danger. Be wary of towns. Arlan does not know about you, Lyra. Keep it that way. The others are known as Guardians." Morrigan handed Lyra a parchment.

In the moonlight, she could make out that it was a wanted poster. The faces of all the Guardians who'd escaped from Arlan stared back at her. She was surprised to see Aiden's face as well. And seeing Kara and two other women she didn't know meant they'd escaped but were known to Arlan. Hers was the only face missing. Lyra frowned. If they needed supplies it would be up to her and Will to gather what they needed in towns and villages.

"There is dissent among Sari's troops. One has deserted and searches for you. He and the one called Aiden both share knowledge about a secret weapon to counter both Sari and Arlan and unite Veloce against them."

"What is this weapon?"

"Ask them when you find this man. Aiden will know him."

"We must go," the War God said. "Our absence will be noted if we stay much longer. We are interfering with your path and the Great Mother wishes for you to travel it on your own."

"But we could not stand by and watch you wander and wonder what path you should take. We will speak to the Great Mother about your brother and ask her interference. He is strong and an ally you desperately need in this war. And you must seek out your sisters. Kara's illusions will only hide them for so long before the locals become aware of their presence and betray them to Arlan. Use your gifts to find them. But you must do so quickly." And then they were gone.

Of all the gods willing to risk the Great Mother's wrath and give her aid, it had to be the Twins. And she could think of no one else she wanted on her side.


Kara looked up from her herbs as Lex passed through the illusion she had placed to hide their presence.

"I found some more of the blackroot. How's she doing?"

"Improving somewhat. I think I have most of the poison drawn out but it still courses through her veins."

"I can hear you, you know," Grace said.

She was pale, the poison fighting to take its toll on her. She's been wounded with an arrow dipped in an unknown venom and Lex and Kara had been racing to find an antidote. Lex had discovered that blackroot, an herb used in many antidotes, helped slow the poison's progression enough to give them a little extra time to find the right antidote. The older spellcaster had a blanket wrapped around her to fight against the chills, a symptom of the poison. Lex wanted to move elsewhere to keep their hiding place from being discovered. Kara feared moving Grace would undo any of the progress the blackroot had done.

"Sorry, Grace," Kara said.

"Kara, I know you want to wait until you find the antidote, but staying in one place for too long will increase our chances of being discovered."

"Then leave without me," Grace said. Her white hair clung to her damp forehead. "I appreciate what you are trying to do, Kara, but I don't want your deaths to be on me. Go while you still have the chance."

Kara crossed the cave and took Grace's clammy hand. "I won't leave without you. I'll not abandon you now. Not when you need us the most. I can't let you sacrifice your life for mine without me trying to save it." The arrow had been meant for Kara. Grace saw it coming and shielded the young Illusionist with her body. "Lex," Kara turned to the Dreamwalker. "If you can find any of the other Guardians, we need their help."

"I'll see what I can do tonight."

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