Chapter 51

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"Lyra!" Kara raced towards her.

Lyra turned and saw the panic on her face. "What is it?"

"It's Aiden. We can't wake him. Lex is trying to Dreamwalk to see what's going on but she can't get through."

The two women ran to where the others were. Aiden lay on the bed, in all appearances asleep. Lex was sitting on the side of the bed, holding his hands with her eyes closed. Saren stood behind her, his hands positioned to catch her if she fell. Will's hands were on the sides of Aiden's face, his eyes also closed. Daylen stood behind him. Neve and Shara stood out of the way, worried looks on their faces.

"Any progress?" Kara asked.

Saren shook his head.

"Do we know anything?" Lyra asked.

Lex sagged. "I can't access his dreams," she said breathlessly. "Something is keeping me from him. Will's been adding his energy to help, but we've had no progress."

"We need you, Lyra," Saren said. "I'm really hoping you can do what Lex can't."

"If I keep going, I'm going to kill myself."

Daylen squeezed Will's shoulder. The Druid opened his eyes. He nodded toward Lyra and Will understood that she was going to try to break through. Lex stood and Lyra took her place. Aiden suddenly winced as she reached toward him. She placed both hands on his face and closed her eyes. She channeled every bit of her magic as she attempted to delve into his dreams. Lyra had never purposely intruded on anyone's dreams. It was one gift that Alora had never known she had. Otherwise, she would have forced her to trap her victims in Aisling, the Dreamworld. She immediately hit a wall. She pressed and saw it was strong. Stronger than she'd ever come across. She was afraid that Alora had discovered where she was and was using Aiden to draw her out. He winced again.

"Whoever this is, they're powerful," she said. "Very powerful. I don't think I've come across anything so strong. I'm going to have to go in fully in order to use my full Dreamwalking abilities."

"What do you need?" Lex asked.

"Get him on the floor."

Saren and Daylen laid Aiden on the floor.

"I believe that someone has trapped him in Aisling," Lyra theorized.

"It has to be another attempt by Arlan," Kara said. "He has spellcasters. One of them could be a Dreamwalker."

"They're a powerful one if they are."

"What are you planning?" Neve asked.

Lyra saw the look Saren gave her. "I'm going to go fully into Aisling. I'll take them on there."

"What if they're more powerful?"

"It's something I'll have to risk."

Aiden winced, this time giving a small gasp of pain.

"But I'll have to hurry." Lyra laid down next to him, placing her hand over his. "I'll get him out." She closed her eyes.


"You'll just have to trust me." She took several breaths and went into Aisling.


Aiden backed away from the spellcaster. She had light brown hair and green eyes. She wore a pale blue dress that left her midriff bare. A split in the left side of her skirt allowed her leg to escape. He'd mistaken her for Lyra at first, until he noticed that there was no red in her hair.

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