Chapter 63

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Draven again surprised Neve when he sat next to her by the fire.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

She looked around. The others hadn't noticed him. Most of them were sleeping. Daylen and Shara were talking quietly to each other. The spellcasters were talking amongst themselves. Talish was watching Aiden and Lyra. Saren was on the watch. Aiden was sitting with his back against one of the logs they'd pulled into camp, holding Lyra.

"How is she doing?" the god asked.

"I'm not sure. She hasn't stirred since she used the last of her energy to heal herself."

"And you, my Dove of Darkness? How did you fare in the battle?"

"Well enough. I spent most of it protecting Will. Luckily, we only came out with a few scratches and bruises, with the exception of Lyra, of course."

He took her hand. "A time shall come, Dove, when I will be forced to stand aside. A battle is coming that I will not be able to aid you. Use the gift I bestowed on you and you will come out unscathed."

"Of what do you speak?"

"It is not my place to speak of the secrets of others, but know one of your companions must face another of their fears soon, else all is lost. Alora will continue to gain power and if she is not stopped by Gaia's chosen Champion, we will fall after Veloce does. The Champion knows this."

"No one is powerful enough to face her and live, my Lord of Shadows."

"Call me Draven, my Dove." He touched her cheek. "My heart fears for you, Neve, in the battles to come. But know if Thanatos even dares to take you, he will know what it is to fear."

Neve blinked. Draven would threaten Death himself if the Valkyrie came to Embrace her?

Draven took her hand and kissed it again. "I will be at your back otherwise. Remember to use the Shadows. They will save you." He disappeared into the Shadows. She looked down at her hand, beginning to realize that she'd somehow caught the eye of a god.

Aiden refused to leave Lyra's side. He was relieved that she was still alive. He'd been so afraid that she'd killed herself pushing her magic to its limit. He'd only seen her push herself until her nose bled only one other time; when she desperately tried to give Saren a chance at survival. He didn't exactly know when he'd fallen for her. He'd respected her from the beginning and had been grateful for all the times she'd saved his life. But when did his friendship turn to love? He'd begun to realize it at Paladins' Keep after she saved him from her sister in Aisling and he comforted her after the death of said sister. He just didn't know how to approach her and confess it to her without looking like a fool. Then they'd run into Talish. Lyra had a fierceness in her voice and eyes when she'd ordered him to put Aiden down. He saw the look in their eyes and assumed that they had been lovers. Until he saw them talking and her quick retreat. He'd found out from Corrin that they had been best friends but Talish had been in love with her. A love that she hadn't shared. He'd said hurtful things to her after she rebuked his attentions and Aiden had tried to ease the hurt Talish had caused. And then came the mini battle where Aiden had been cut off from the others. He'd never seen her come up behind Arlan's men and with three well-placed arrows, she'd saved his life yet again. He'd been overwhelmed at that. He heard the suppressed panic in her voice and was surprised by the punch to his shoulder. And he couldn't resist any longer at that moment. He had kissed her and had been relieved that she didn't try to take his manhood but instead had returned the kiss. He knew Talish's hurtful words weren't true.

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