Chapter 72

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Aiden led the main charge to counter Arlan. The charge was sounded from Sari's troops and they began to rush towards them. But Aiden had put into use one of Arlan's very own formations. Shara and Daylen led the charge from one side, heading directly towards Sari's flank while Talish and Thorn attacked from the opposite side towards Arlan's flanks. All three positions slammed into their enemies and the cries of wounded men and the ringing of steel against steel were nearly deafening. It wasn't long before Aiden's own blade was dripping with the blood of his enemies. Draven and Neve, cloaked in the Shadows, moved through the battle leaving a trail of death in their wakes. Talish and his Paladins cut through anyone who stood against them, Talish brazenly using his sword magic. The spellcasters, led by Will, were at a safe distance casting their spells against their enemies. Shara danced a deadly dance around Daylen, protecting him from Sari's men. The mercenaries and the assassins seemed to be everywhere, the latter group seemingly to come out of nowhere. Thorn and Morrigan fought side by side, he sweeping his greatsword against his enemies, she gracefully using her duel blades in a mesmerizing and fatal dance. Saren used his assassin skills to surprise many unsuspecting soldiers with backstabs and throat-cutting. Lyra's sword was crimson and she was using her battle magic to throw men away from her. She felt someone coming behind her but was not quick enough to avoid a sword biting across her back. She spun around and her sword met another belonging to a woman in Sari's colors wearing a helm.

"Thorn's flaming sword!" She reached behind her as the two circled each other. She brought her hand back up to see her fingers coated in blood. "You must have been an assassin in a previous life."

The woman attacked and Lyra defended. The woman had skill, no doubt, and was pushing Lyra back. Lyra then shoved her backward. The woman lost her balance and fell, losing her helm. Before she could rise farther than a sitting position, Lyra's sword rested under her chin. Sari was looking up at her with surprised eyes. One of her captains rushed towards them, sword up. Lyra stopped him with a magical shield.

"Make it quick, Lyra. I underestimated your skill."

Lyra raised her sword.

"No!" her captain cried just before Lyra gave her a good punch to the side of her face. Sari fell backward, knocked out cold. Lyra dropped the shield and the captain fell to his knees next to her.

"If you value her life, get her off the battlefield before Arlan finds her."

He nodded, thankful that Lyra chose mercy over killing her. Lyra turned back to the battle, throwing several men away from Saren before diving headlong back into the fighting. The captain threw Sari over his shoulder and escaped.

"Lyra!" Aiden called. "Bring in the next wave!"

Lyra sent a fireball into the air. The roar that followed made many of Arlan and Sari's men take a few steps back and look around nervously. Suddenly the sky was filled with Deandra's brood, the ice drakes, and the water and earth dragons. Deandra led the dragons in their charge, giving another roar that shook the earth.

"Back! Back!" Morrigan cried, seeing that they were carrying boulders in their claws.

Aiden's men quickly fell back as the dragons began to drop their boulders. Fire, ice, water, and earth exploded out of them. A horn of retreat sounded and Sari's men scattered, fleeing from the destruction.

"Good," Shara said, "Now we only have Arlan's men to deal with."

"I hope so."

Aiden's forces regrouped.

The prince went to check on the spellcasters. "How's everyone's energy?"

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