Chapter 49

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Will, Saren, Neve, and Lex had found the kitchens while searching for survivors. Luckily, Arlan's men hadn't raided the larder and Will had gathered what he needed to make a stew that only he could make. The old Druid recipe had been passed down for generations. It was just about ready when Lyra and Aiden found them with the last person any of them expected to see.

"Kara!" Lex almost squealed her name before jumping up and running over to her.

"Easy! Fragile!" Lex nearly knocked Kara over. "I just had a draining spell removed. Not in full form just yet."

Will couldn't say how relieved he was to see her alive. His and Kara's eyes met. He knew she could see the relief in them. She gave him a small smile.

"I hate to say this but you look like hell," Saren said.

Neve laughed. "My brother. The eloquent one. Knows just what to say to a woman."

Then they noticed the other two. The woman had black hair cropped at her chin and hard brown eyes. She'd seen much in her life. A scar traveled down the right side of her face. She wore form-fitting dark brown leather armor. Her companion looked as if he'd seen better days. While he wasn't thin, he looked like he hadn't had a decent meal or rest in some time.

"You found survivors?" Saren asked.

Neve vacated her chair and motioned for the man to sit. He truly didn't look well at all. To Will, it looked like he would fall over dead from hunger or exhaustion at any moment.

"They're not Paladins," Lyra said.

Neve's hand began to slowly make for one of her daggers. A head shake from Lyra stopped her.

"Then who are they?"

"He's a survivor of the battle that saw us the last of the Guardians," Aiden said. "She's a survivor of Arlan's dungeon. They escaped with Kara in tow."

Kara had moved closer to Will.

"The name's Shara. Tarse didn't like the fact that I'm better with a blade than the other tarses he employed."

Neve snickered.

"There's a group that was interrupting his supply lines and he sent a call out for mercenaries to find them. I now regret answering the call. Tarse called me a whore and then threw me into the dungeons."

The man gave her an amused look.

"After I put a blade to his throat," she added.

Kara snickered. "You failed to mention that part earlier."

"And you're still alive?" Saren asked.

"That seems to be a pretty popular question to ask."

Aiden barked a laugh.

"Well, Daylen and I decided to go and look for those troublemakers and join them and make sure Kara was where Arlan couldn't find her. Never expected to run into a few of her Guardian brothers and sisters."

Saren and Neve shared a look.

"Daylen?" Saren asked.

"Yes, I know. I don't look the same as when you saw me last."

"No shit, Captain Obvious," Neve said.

"Okay, why is it all the Guardians know you?"

"I told you I was with Sari's army. I knew many of the Guardians. Commander Faeren and I tried to convince my mother of the error of attacking Arlan's troops."

"Your mother?!" The mercenary was wide-eyed. "Gaia's holy pizza kitty! You're Sari's son?!"


"How did you end up in Arlan's dungeon?"

"He deserted," Lyra said, matter-of-factly.

Everyone turned and looked at her.

"How in the hell could you have known that?" Daylen asked. "Does she have a bounty on my head?"

"The Twins told me."

Shara raised an eyebrow. "The Twins told you? Have we had too many blows to the head?"

Lyra glared at her.

"She's God Touched," Will said.

"Thanks for that, Will. Now let's announce that from the top of the tower." She turned away from the others. "I still have a body I need to find." Before anyone else could say anything, she disappeared through the door.

"Nice going, genius," Lex said.

"Enough," Aiden said before Will could retort.

"Is she alright?" Saren asked, worry in his voice.

"Would you be if you returned home to find everyone you've ever known and loved dead?" Aiden asked.

Will noticed the distressed look in Shara's eyes. He felt that she knew exactly how that felt.

"Wait, she's a Paladin?" Daylen asked.

"She was before she became a Guardian."

"How come I don't remember her?"

"Because she joined the day before the battle. You never met her."

Will scooped the stew into bowls. "Who wants a Druid specialty?"

The GuardiansOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara