Chapter 23

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The fever had finally broken and Lyra allowed Aiden to move around without fearing that he'd overdo himself. Aiden was glad for the movement. He felt as if he were going to go mad during his bed rest. They decided now that he was able to move around, they should make for the Druid lands before it was discovered that someone was in Halmont. As Lyra was gathering her satchel, after having restocked it from the healers' clinic, she felt as if her entire body were vibrating. She froze and listened. One of her wards had been tripped. Aiden saw her body had tensed.

"What is it?" he asked, his voice lowered to a whisper and a hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Someone's here." She unslung her bow and placed an arrow in it.

Aiden drew his blade and they crept down the hall. Lyra saw a blond-haired man stagger into the main hall, gasping for breath. He and his bared blade were covered in blood. Another of her wards was tripped. Lyra drew her arrow back as six men in Arlan's livery came into view.

"No one is here to save your sorry ass, Guardian," one taunted. "Your brothers are all dead or will soon be." Aiden and Lyra looked at one another. Others were still alive. "You should join us while you still have the chance and perhaps Arlan will be merciful."

"I join no one but the brothers that fat bastard slaughtered," the Guardian gasped. "You cannot wipe us out. We will always be in Veloce. No... no matter how hard you try to kill us, we will prevail."

"That is where you are wrong. The time has come for Veloce to stop relying on relics of the past. The king is all the people need, not a band of thieves and murderers. Now you can stand and fight us, or die on your knees like a coward." An arrow passed through his neck then.

"I think the odds are better now, Brother."

The Guardian nodded and raised his sword. Aiden charged forward and Lyra jumped over the railing, using her command of air to cushion her landing. She drew her sword and rushed forward, falling into the discipline of the Paladin and channeling her magic into her strength. Arlan's men rushed at them, intent to kill. The Guardian was in no condition to fight but he pushed himself forward, slaying two in a pair of swift moves. Another went at Lyra and she sent him flying into Aiden's sword before spinning around and beheading the fourth man. Aiden knocked the feet out from under the final man and brought his sword down, blood splattering from the force of his sword piercing the man's chest. The Guardian fell to his knees.

"Kendal." Aiden rushed to his friend's aid.

"Glad to see you survived," he panted. He looked over at Lyra. "You're the newest Guardian, are you not? The one who tagged Neve."

"I'm Lyra." She crouched next to him and examined his wounds. She was surprised that he was even still alive. With each breath he took, blood poured from a chest wound. Even with her power, she didn't know if she could cleanse his lungs of the blood. But she was going to try.

"How bad is he?"

"His lung is pierced. I'm truly surprised you're still alive."

"Trust me. So am I." He coughed then, blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. Lyra knew then it was too late. "I doubt you'll be able to save me, Lyra. I've gone too long. I was ambushed two days ago. I killed three but I was badly injured before I fled. I..." Kendel winced. "I was lucky to make it to Halmont."

"Do you know if anyone else survived?" Aiden asked.

"If anyone else could escape like I did it would be the assassin triplets."

Aiden shook his head. "Jean died in my arms. With Faeren dying, Saren took command. He said that he'd cover mine and Lyra's escape with Faeren. He didn't make it."

"I was really hoping that was a rumor." Kendal coughed again.

Aiden looked at Lyra and she shook her head with a heavy heart. It was too late to save Kendal.

Their fellow Guardian knew this as well. "Stay away from Arlan's men if you can. Go somewhere where you can lay low for a while. Avenge us." Kendal toppled over then, coughing and gasping for breath.

Before Lyra could draw her dagger to end his suffering, he was gone. Instead, she closed his eyes. Aiden rolled him onto his back and positioned his sword on his chest with his hands grasping the hilt.

"Goodbye, my brother. May the gods grant you peace in the Beyond." Aiden then placed a hand on Lyra's shoulder. "Let's get out of here and go find that ally the Great Mother promised."

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