Chapter 10

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Talish had to do a double-take upon seeing the Guardian Commander walking toward him. What was he doing here? Was he recruiting? Who was he recruiting? Many considered it an honor to be recruited by the Guardians. Especially if the one recruiting was the Commander himself. Although Talish had never heard of a Paladin joining their ranks.

Faeren stopped him. "Do you know where I can find Captain Mahariel?"

Talish's heart sank, hoping she wasn't his intended recruit. "She should be in her quarters. Are you recruiting her?"

"I am."

"I can take you to her. Follow me." Talish couldn't stop the pain in his chest at knowing his best friend and the woman he loved would be joining the Guardians. He couldn't imagine life without her. They'd been a constant in each other's lives for twelve years. They reached the Captains' quarters and Talish automatically went to Lyra's door, knocking for, he knew, the final time. "It's Talish," he called through the door.

"It's unlocked," she called, heat from her argument with Kalmin still in her voice.

Talish opened the door and he and Faeren entered. Lyra was sitting on the bed, her dagger in one hand, a sharpening stone in the other. Talish had known her to either kill a training dummy or sharpen any of her blades when she angry or upset. Both seemed to help her cool off and calm down. It was better than her using that powerful magic of hers on someone. Or taking it out on the others. She'd shed her armor and was wearing the shirt and pants she wore beneath it. Her hair hung loosely about her shoulders, having already come mostly undone during the Bloodletters skirmish. She'd cleaned herself up as well.

She saw Faeren and stopped mid-stroke. "Talish," she whispered. He knew she thought he was the one being recruited.

"He's not here for me."

"I overheard your argument with Kalmin," Faeren explained. "Someone that would throw themselves between a death spell and another person is quite respectable to me." Her eyes went to Talish. He hoped that how he felt didn't show on his face. "I came hoping for a few recruits to join the Guardians of Veloce."

She sighed and put the dagger and sharpening stone down. "So Kalmin threw me at you so he could be rid of me."

"I think he'd rather have thrown you in prison than allow you to be recruited. I was the one that insisted on you. Unfortunately, you are the only one he's allowing me to recruit."

She was silent for several minutes, allowing the news to sink in. Talish had never heard of anyone turning down the chance to join the Guardians. The entire Order was all handpicked by the top-ranking Guardians. If they didn't think you were worth it, you weren't recruited.

"Very well. Allow me to gather what I need."

"Take your time, Captain. Say your goodbyes to whomever you wish and meet me in the courtyard. And I do mean it when I say take your time. I daresay pissing Kalmin off is on my list of things to do before leaving."

A smile played at Lyra's lips. Talish hadn't expected that. Faeren grinned and then took his leave.

Once the door closed, Lyra stood and threw her arms around Talish, sadness and fear beginning to fill her. Sadness that she would be leaving Talish and the Paladins and fear at what her new life would hold.

"I wish you could come with us," she said, tears stinging her eyes.

"You deserve better than having to put up with Kalmin. The Guardians are good men. You won't have to hide your magic among them. You can be yourself with them. Like you do with me."

"I don't want to go. Being a Paladin is all I know now. This is where I belong. Not with the Guardians."

Talish wiped the tear away as it began to travel down her cheek. It was true. Since freeing herself from Alora, being a Paladin was all she knew and wanted.

"Faeren chose you, Lyra. Be proud of that. Just as I am of you."

"I don't want to go without you." She couldn't imagine her life without her best friend in it.

"Maybe one day we'll see each other again."

Lyra saw that he was fighting his own tears. She didn't want to leave the man that knew all her secrets behind. He pulled her close to him and they wept at their upcoming separation. After a few moments, they pulled away from each other and wiped away their tears.

"This isn't getting you to the Guardians."

"Walk with me and see me off. I want my last view of the Keep to have you in it."

After saying her goodbyes and gathering her weapons, she met Faeren in the courtyard. The blacksmith had gifted her with a set of armor that didn't have the Paladin Flame on it. It was made of light leather dyed dark green that was as strong as the hardest steel. It left her shoulders mostly bare save for a thick strap that held it in place. It fit her form perfectly. The sleeves reached her wrists and gloves covered the rest. Her pants were made of the same leather also dyed dark green. Her black calf-high boots completed her armor. After she had donned the armor, the blacksmith told her he'd made it especially for her, but was waiting for the right moment to give it to her.

"Consider it a gift to see you off to the Guardians," he said.

She couldn't thank him enough. She had her sword on her hip and a full quiver and her bow on her back. Her dagger was sheathed at her other hip. She looked every bit the adventurer and nothing like the Paladin. Word had spread quickly of Lyra's recruitment and most of the Paladins were in the courtyard to see her off, which threatened to make Lyra lose her emotional control. Talish squeezed her arm and she turned and gave him a sisterly kiss on the cheek.

"Good luck, Lyra. May the gods be with you," he said. He wanted to say it. I love you, Lyra. Words that he held back for twelve years. But she saw it in his eyes.

"I love you, too," she whispered in his ear. She squeezed his arm and gave him the lopsided smile she only gave him. "Be a pain in Kalmin's ass for me," she added, louder.

This drew a few laughs and a lopsided smile from Talish. Faeren placed a hand on her shoulder to let her know it was time to leave. She hesitated a moment before she turned and followed him. As they passed through the gates, Lyra turned and looked back one last time. Every Paladin in the courtyard had their wrists crossed over their chests. Talish stood in the front of the group. She wondered if she'd ever see him again. See any of them again. Everyone but Talish began to disperse as the gates began to close and they watched each other until they shut completely. After the gates closed, she turned and wiped a tear away. She followed Faeren deeper into the countryside and wondered what her life would be like among the Guardians. Would she find the same brotherhood she had among the Paladins?

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