Chapter 28

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Arlan gritted his teeth in anger. "Are you telling me that you found a second Guardian and that he killed eight of my men?"

"We found the bodies of two several leagues away from Halmont," one of his Captains reported. "We followed the trail they left to Halmont, where we found the rest of them and a Guardian, all dead."

"I am not liking that look, Captain."

"I don't believe he was alone. He had help."

"And what makes you think that?"

"His body was positioned as if someone had laid him to rest. The men were still lying where they had fallen. We searched the keep and found signs that someone had taken refuge there recently. A wounded someone. We found a bloodstained shirt and bandages. If I may be so bold as to suggest that at least one more is at large and he has an ally aiding him."

"It is time we make another visit to the acting Guardian Commander." Arlan stood. "I think it is time to start making examples out of the captives to show the people our might. Start with Sari's men."

The captain saluted. "Yes, my liege."

Daylen massaged his temples. His enraged mother was screaming at the messenger. They had been having reports that Arlan was beginning to execute his captives. Sari sent one of her men to investigate. That man confirmed the reports having seen one of Sari's captive men take "a short drop and a sudden stop" at Arlan's estate. Now, Sari was screaming at the poor man for confirming the reports. Daylen finally had enough. He stood from the table that had a map spread over it so suddenly that the chair flew backward, startling both of them and causing Sari to stop screaming at the scout.

"Enough!" he cried. "I've heard enough! Don't blame him for your lack of sense!"

"Daylen! How dare you --"

He cut her off. "They are dying because of your boneheaded battle plan! Faeren warned you that this would happen but you refused to listen! We lost more than half of our troops and every single one of the Guardians of Veloce to either capture or death."

He wasn't going to mention that he believed that at least one, maybe two of the Guardians had escaped. She didn't deserve to know. Normally, he wouldn't dare to talk to his mother like this, but his anger had boiled to the point that he could not remain silent.

"It is because of you that Arlan captured them to begin with! You should have known that such a strategy would only end in disaster! Now men whose only crime was to be under your command are dying senseless deaths! Because of you!" Now Daylen was screaming, his rage at her stupidity and pride pouring out of him, no longer able to keep it contained within himself.

The messenger was moving away from Sari to be out of the way of her wrath.

Her eyes were full of anger. "We are in a war. Sacrifices are necessary."

"Is that how you view your men? Pawns only good to sacrifice? They choose to follow you! They trusted you to lead them to victories, not to their deaths!"

"Know your place, boy."

"I know my place well. And it is no longer by your side. I will no longer be involved with your boneheaded plans. You would not listen to the two that you asked to advise you. Had you done so, all this would have been avoided. Your brother didn't work as hard as he had to have everything crumble. You should be ashamed of yourself. You both should. And I am ashamed to be called your son."

Sari gaped and Daylen saw his words had cut deep.

"I'm done, Sari." It was the first time he'd called his mother by her first name. "I'm done with all the death and destruction. I can't stand by your side and watch you both tear Veloce apart." Daylen turned and walked out of the tent. He'd taken several steps before he heard his mother behind him.

"Daylen! You will leave now? In the middle of all this? How can you abandon your own mother? Your cause?"

He turned towards Sari. "I do not abandon my cause, only the woman I once called 'Mother'."

Without another word, Daylen left the camp with only a pack of provisions and his sword. It was time for him to go to Halmont and find out where to start his search for the weapon that would end the war and unite Veloce. He truly hoped that it would work.

The Guardiansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें