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I'm expecting alot of comments and votes since ya'll just wanted me to update so bad lol.

Didn't read it after writing, plus it's a long freaking chapter so make me very happy ok 😂 😂

Thanks for the support, I love you guys.

Also, this is probably the most romantic Aaina Zaydaan have ever been I think so enjoy it.


Aaina x Zaydaan.

Life is unpredictable

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Life is unpredictable. And ruthless.

It throws a curve ball at you when you least expect it. It shakes you to the core and then asks you to be thankful that you don't have it worse than others.

It's the kind that truly fucks you up and makes you question your entire existence, it's too sad, too unbelievable, too happening.

But it's life right? What option do you have other than to live it?

Out of all the things that Zaydaan And Aaina had expected to happen ever since they came back from the G20, these latest incidents were definitely not one of those things.

How did life get this fucked up?

It started from being back home, only to pull his love struck brother out of a damaging situation, to getting to know that his father had arranged his brother's marriage with his ex lover, to thinking that he could marry again and his wife, his Aaina had it even worse.

And now? As if being emotionally tortured wasn't enough, they had to be physically tortured too?

Zaydaan looked at his CIS, the composed expression on his face and the rushed attitude as he glanced at the Prime Minister and the first lady.

"Come on, we need you out." He ushered, Zaydaan scowled.

"What the fuck are you saying?" He questioned out loud, his CIS let out a sigh.

He knew the Prime Minister was a stubborn man and he also knew the worried expression on his face as he pulled his wife by the waist, keeping her by his side like a protective shield.

"Sir, an unidentifed man has entered the Prime Minister House, he has one AK-47 and one hand gun. We can't shoot at him because he has your mother." He retorted, Zaydaan couldn't believe his ears.

He had been briefed about such a thing happening for a long time, when his father was the Prime Minister and later on, when he became one, he knew his life was always at threat.

But he had no idea that it would be so soon. And that too in his own house.

As if that was not enough, the possible shooter had his mother in his custody.

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