Chapter Five:

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A/N: so so sorry I haven't updated sooner!!! last week was my birthday and it was a bit intense and crazy. like, legit crazy. I drank too much alcohol, it definitely stayed with me throughout the whole week. I 25 if you wonder. old as hell :)

also, I caught a cold about three weeks ago and it doesn't wanna go off which is really annoying.

(A/N: my birthday was on January 23rd, I edited this part a couple of times lmao)


Brian's POV:

How can you even say sorry to someone you've bullied for so long?

Like, a simple "hey sorry I've been such a piece of shit to you hope we can be friends from now on xoxo :)" message just isn't it.

So yeah, as I thought originally, I need to do it face to face.

But how can I even face this guy?

The look he had in his eyes on the day he saw me in the bakery showed a lot. He hates me. He's scared of me. And I don't blame him obviously, this is all my fault.

I need him to trust me.

Realize I'm not that person anymore.

That actually, I've never been this person.

This whole time I was putting on a show, an act.

I wanted to be popular and liked so much that I didn't care how many people I've hurt along the way.

It's been two days since the party. And all I can think about is how am I gonna make Zach forgive me.

Needless to say that when I wasn't busy thinking about Zach, I was reading the book he gifted me. It's a really nice book actually.

Maybe this is how I'm gonna start the conversation with him, just thanking him for the book, telling him that I love it and that it's such a nice gift from him.

It's such a nice act as well, he shouldn't buy me anything. He really shouldn't have spent his money on me.

As Sunday night came to an end I finally went to sleep,

It wasn't one of my best sleep, but at least I've got some.

The dreams I had were terrible, though.

All I saw was Zach crying, and screaming us to stop, as we hit him in the guys change-room, or next to his locker, or in the bathroom,

Or that one time, at launch, when we pored on him a gallon of milk just for fun,

It's all coming back to me right now in my dreams, and it's a terrible feeling, I can't imagine how much he had to suffer.

I wonder if he ever told anyone about this.

I assume not.

Well, definitely not in school, since all the gang is still here.

On Monday morning I made sure to wake up early, for a change.

I wanted to speak to Zach first thing first.

I know he comes to school really early. It's been like this since middle school,

Ever since he turned 14, he started to help his parents in his bakery.

I heard him talk about it once. This is why I know. He said he wakes up at 5 am to help them making the dough to all of the buns and bread, and that usually after school, he comes back to help with all of the cupcakes and cake.

Sounds terrible if you'd ask me. 5 am? Why would you even bother to wake up in such an hour?

My family has a small flower shop,

My mom and dad grow and pick the flowers themselves. All I have to do is to deliver the flowers sometimes, and mostly to stand behind the cashier counter.

But I never need to wake up early, or go to sleep late,

I don't really care about the business at all.

Sure, I'm glad it's doing fine, but it's not like I care about flowers or anything.

As I spot him messing with his locker, I call him out.

"hey, Zach!"

He almost slams his head at the top shelf of the locker. He takes his head out of the locker but as soon as he sees me, he shoves it back inside.

"Zach, good morning" I say as I lean next to his locker.

"M-morning... can I help you with anything?"

"I just wanted to thank you"

"T-thank me? What for?"

"your gift. I started to read the book, it's a really nice one, very interesting"

"um... cool... ok... I guess I'll be leaving now since I don't want to be late to class"

He slams his locker shut and starts to walk away quickly,

"you know class only starts in about 20 minutes, right?"

I call after him.

He just keeps walking, even faster, and in about three seconds he's already out of my sight.

This is going to be even more difficult than I thought so.


A/N: short chapter as well, sorry, but I really wanted to update finally,

I'll try to post another chapter as soon as I can and keep with posting a chapter once a week as I usually would.

hope you liked this chapter! have a great week.

don't forget to vote and comment!


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