Chapter Forty:

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A/N: chapter forty? eek! well, here we go. (also, it's a bit short, but I think it's worth it)


Brian's POV:

"dad, what the actual fuck?!" I asked my dad.

"Brian, I get that you're pissed-"

"the hell I am!"

"Brian, your mother has a different opinion than ours, and that's ok," dad said.

"no, it's not! she's homophobic! It's not an opinion it's just stupid!"

"she's not homophobic-"

"she said she wants me to be 'normal'! what does it even mean!? That gay people aren't normal? of-course they are!"

"she just wants what's best for you"

"she doesn't even know what's best for me. Sure, I get that you're upset about my decision to quit the football team, but this is crazy, dad! Stop hanging out with Zach just because he's gay?"

"it's not because he's gay, she just thinks he's a bad influence on you"

"how? Ever since we became friends my grades are up, I actually had a job that I enjoyed, I go out more, I'm happier, so I want to quit the football team, what's the big issue!?"

"she just wants you to be like your brothers"

"I don't want to be like my brothers! I'm not Bill! I'm definitely not Brad! I'm Brian! B-R-I-A-N! and I'm different! And I like to be different! And I know you can hear me, mom! Just so you'll know, I don't give a shit about what you're thinking about gay people!" I yelled.

"Brian, you've got to respect your mother" my dad tried to calm me down.

"respect? Respect?! She doesn't respect me! Or give a fuck about my feelings! Why should I respect her?!"

"Brian, as much as I support you no matter what you'll do, I support your mother as well, and you should do as she says as long as you live in this house," dad said.

"that's it? That's your answer? Your solution? Fine then, I'm leaving this homophobic house!" I said and headed back to my room.

I knew I couldn't call Zach, his mom would probably disagree for having me over at the moment, so I called Fred.


A half-hour later I was at his house with two large bags and my backpack.

"thank you for saving my ass," I said as I walked into his room.

"no problem, but this is only for the weekend, right? What's with all those bags?" he asked.

"well, I don't know when I'll be able to go back home... and the backpack is for school obviously"

"and all of this is because you said your mother is homophobic?" Fred asked.

"super homophobic" I replied.

"That sucks. Well, I'll tell you that, we can talk to Olivia on Monday, I'm sure her dad or she won't mind you staying at their place. It's huge and it's 95% empty. And she really likes you..." he said.

"Thanks again, Fred. I really appreciate it" I said.

"You want anything to eat?" Fred asked.

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