💜Chapter 1: a burning feeling💜

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💜Chapter 1

💜 I don't know anything about writing, it's my first time so if something is wrong please tell me.

💜I do some grammatical mistakes and sometimes write incoherent phrases.

💜I don't own the picture above



Purple is strange but is not at the same time.

At first, it seems like a joyful and flamboyant color, even thought it's part of the cold colors.

The meanings of purple are wisdom, creativity, dignity, devotion, mystery, pride and many more.

I wasn't disappointed. What was written about it was pretty interesting even thought dad always says that what we read on the internet isn't always true. Of course, I know that some explanations might be just plain bullshit but real creative depending on how believable they make them.

I don't know about other people and it may be a bit odd  for you or in the contrary not even the slightest, but I always have been attracted to this color as well as feeling incomplete. Just like a puzzle missing a piece.

Anyway, when I asked people this famous question, the majority would hesitate a bit before saying the most common color or just multiple colors. Or something like, they can't decide because most colors are beautiful to them.

As for me, I always answered purple out of instinct, not like it was unusual to say it anyway.
Usually they would answer like "Oh that's cool" or "Okay" as if it didn't really interest them, I'm pretty sure they didn't really care because sooner or later they'll forget this useless piece of information. What's the point in learning something you won't be associated with in the future's favorite color.

If social conversations were like this, no wonder I'm an introvert.

I snapped out back to reality when I realized my sister was talking to me, but because of my headphones, I didn't hear anything she said.

So, I moved one part of my headphones from one of my ears  before opening my mouth to ask, "What?".

She looked at me with her usual annoyed face, her little spoiled princess face.

"I just said that we are going to the bank to retrieve some money, then we'll go shopping, and after that we'll go eat at Burger King!!" She exclaimed happily.

"Okay, cool," I plainly answered her.

"Aren't you happy?! We'll get to eat burgers with mom!" She exclaimed while putting her left arm around my shoulder and posed dramatically. 'Please stop, sister, people are looking at us weirdly...' I thought.

"Yeah" I answered monotonously, but inside I was really excited because we were going to eat burger and fries after the torture.

"Then show more enthusiasm!"

She let go of my shoulder and raced to mom's side, linking her arms with her. I decided to join her and did the same with her other arm.

It was just like when we were children, those memories made me I feel nostalgic right now. I could totally feel nostalgic music playing in the background while I watch around me as if I became a good grandparents who was thinking about the past.

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