💜Chapter 8: bounding time in group💜

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💜Luce POV

Today is the day! After planing some different activities and researching on how to be able to bound with people, I have finally finished the week-end program!

I'm so happy, now I just have to gather them and start the plan~.

💜Skull POV

I unintentionally shivered without knowing why I felt like something bad was going to happen. Right now, I was currently painting in my room there was newspaper everywhere so that I didn't stained the floor. The smell of acrylic paint was filling my room.

I sighed at the mess I did, acrylic paint could be seen on the floor, with some crayons. Paper scattered down everywhere even on the bed, most of my clothes were all put on the chair messily and my only table was filled with my graphic tablet, my computer and sketchbooks.

Even in this world my room was a mess and I was too lazy to even clean it, I was pretty sure bugs where laying under this mess and even started a family.

Seeing it was nearly the time to go and participate in the bounding moment Luce prepared, I grabbed all my brush and washed them so that the paint wouldn't go hard.

When I finished I went down reluctantly. As I walked down the stairs I saw the scientist walking down the corridors with a strange object in his hands, he was always strange anyway and his creepy vibes still made me shiver.
I wouldn't be surprised if he were to create Frankenstein one day.

We both arrived to the dining room and breakfast was present on the table, Luce was there with a big smile on her face.

"Come in! Breakfast is ready! And after that I'll present you to the bounding activity."


💜Third POV

"So for our bonding moment.... I organized a Paintball war!!" Luce announced excited.

"Huh?" Lal let out as if she was disappointed.

"Here the rule! You can't kill each other but I think it should be clear for everyone! If you are shot by someone else then you'll lose a point, but if you shoot yourself you won't lose points." Luce said as she ignored everyone's unmotivated mood.

"Paintball seriously? Bombs and bullets would have fitted perfectly." Reborn smiled sadistically as he said that.

"Paintballs are sure great." Fon said with a neutral face.

"Yeah I agree" Skull agreed with Fon with a neutral face.

"It's cheaper" Viper added with a neutral face under her cloak.

"Mou, how does the points thing work?" Viper asked with some interest.

Luce smiled at what she thought some enthusiasm was starting to bloom within the team.

"Earlier, I gave you a small device that can be wore by the wrist especially designed by Verde!" Luce cheerfully explained.

"No wonder you were stuck inside that laboratory of yours these last days." Skull said as he looked at Verde.

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