💜Chapter 13: The explanation and comfort💜

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💜Third POV

Reborn slammed the table with his hand as he stared at Luce with a mad expression, Luce could only look down as she put her hands together into a fist, the other also had some worried looks and angry expressions.

Reborn: "Explain, now." He demanded in a strict voice.

Luce took a deep breath before sharpening her eyes as she looked into the eyes of Reborn. At that Reborn's eyes widened a bit before doing the same.

Luce: "First of all, I'm sorry for making all of you worry like that. As for the kidnapping plan....it was supposed to be fake. So I planned it all until something went wrong with the plan and I really got kidnapped. I was able to defend myself of course, but being pregnant and fighting wasn't really practical."

Skull: "Of course! If you had some severe injuries you could have either died, and even kill the baby!" Skull hissed at the irresponsible mother.

Luce flinched at what Skull called her and said nothing, she accepted this fact. She did endangered her unborn baby who held a future ahead, even if it may not be a good one.

Fon: "Skull is right, with you being that reckless you could have lost either your life or something more precious like that baby." He said calmly but anger slipping inside his words.

Luce took a deep breath and looked up before looking away.

Luce: "As I was fighting, I met the Vongola spy that helped me and left me in a room that was secured until you guys came. I apologize for my recklessness, I will not do it again." She said as she looked guilty of her actions.

She then put a hand on her stomach and smiled sadly.

Luce: "I'm so sorry my baby, because of your mother's selfish mind I got you in danger as well..." she apologized as she rubbed her stomach.

The group who was previously annoyed and very mad at her recklessness could only sigh and watch her sadly as she apologized to her unborn baby. They did felt bad for yelling at her but her actions were unforgivable.

Lal: "Anyway, I understand you wanted to do it for us but never put your life and the little one's before us. You are our sky and we are suppose to protect you." She said bravely as she looked away a bit embarrassed.

luce: "Lal..." she said with some happiness and admiration.

Viper: "You are very foolish Luce but I'm happy that you are safe. For making me worried I will add more debt under your name."

Luce could only smile and some tears were starting to form as she heard what Viper said, it was either of happiness because Viper being worried of her or in sadness for having her debt doubled.

Verde just pushed viper out the way before putting a hand in his lab coat's pocket, he then looked at Luce with cold eyes but still held some affection inside it.

Verde: "The reasons of her actions are also the result of our comportment. We are also in fault here." He said as pushed his glasses.

Luce: "But it doesn't excuse what I have done, my wish to make you bound put us in serious troubles and I want to make that up. So you have all right to hate me..."

Reborn just put a hand on her shoulder as a sign to not lower herself. Luce felt thankful for that and smiled up to him.

Reborn: *sigh* "You guys should act better." He said in disappointment as he shook his head.

Skull: "Yah, you guys are the worst." Skull added as he looked away.

Everyone: "......."

Everyone except for Luce stopped thinking and looked at the most troublesome duo that were the one causing the most problems.

Verde: "IT'S MAINLY BECAUSE OF YOU TWO!!" He yelled at them as his patience snapped in two.

Viper: "For once I agree with this crazy scientist, you both cost the most trouble. Especially you Reborn, the one destroying things."


Reborn: "Huh? I dare you to repeat that you tiny bean"

Skull: "I always knew you had trouble hearing and how come I went from small to tiny bean?" He asked as the put his forehead on Reborn's.

Reborn: "Look at you, you're the smallest in the room, you even got hit by a girl who thought you were a girl." He said as he put his fedora on Luce's head.

Skull: "That's because I was cross dressing you retarted old fart." He retorted back as a tick mark appeared on his head.

Fon: "This is what we were talking about." He said with a sigh.

Reborn: "Shut up you leaf addict." He shouted at Fon before turning back to Skull.

Fon froze at the insult before his killing intent flowed out.

Fon: "Pardon me but did you just called some "leaf drinker" you bean addict?" For the first time Fon insulted Reborn.

Reborn: "Of course, who would gulp down ton of leaf water."

After that an argument started as they insulted back at each other. Skull then kick Reborn before yelling at him to stop bothering Fon which caused the fights to finally start.

Viper ducked as the table and chairs that were thrown out, some even broke some windows. Verde mysteriously disappeared from the scene which impressed Viper the most whose specialty was to fade away without being noticed.

Lal: "Yeah and here we go again, I'm not with them to be clear." She said next to Viper who scribbled some notes.

Luce just watched the scene that was mysteriously warm and joyous (inside her mind) and very lively.

Luce: 'How come I could have not seen it earlier, they are already bounding between each other~' she thought happily as she clutched Reborn's fedora in her hands to her chest.

Lal looked at Luce's happy smile and got shivers, she then turned to Viper who seemed very concentrated on  their block note.

Lal: "Why are you even scribbling notes? Are you imitating the scientist?"
She asked the greedy mist curiously.

Viper: "Mou, I'm writing who destroyed what and will later send them the bill to pay. Skull didn't destroy anything for now, only Reborn and Fon." Viper explained as they dodged the lamp that was thrown.

Lal: "I see...." she said as she looked back at the destroyed room. Lal then looked back at Luce who was smiling while watching them.

Lal: 'I'm surrounded by weirdos' she thought as she got out of the nearly destroyed room.


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