💜Chapter 5: A very suspicious meeting💜

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💜Chapter 5

💜Skull POV

It was already the night, the moon was shining outside, cold breeze brushing against the leaves of trees in the street.
The sky was clear and we could see beautiful stars shining in the dark night.

And right now I was watching a horror movie in the dark, it didn't really scared me thought.
It had a lot of horror cliches like the ghost appearing beside the protagonist bed and grabbing him in the darkness.

The movie ended at the death of the protagonist, who was being dragged to the spirit world.
I turned the TV off and decided to go to bed, but here came the problem.
I was always a bit paranoid after watching a horror movie.

Like now, I had the feeling that I was not alone. I just thought that I've just watched a horror movie, which was normal so I brushed up this feeling.

I went to close all curtains around the house and was about to close the lights in the living room, so I got myself ready. When I hit the light, I sprinted to my room, opened the door closed it before jumping on my bed.

Then I pulled the sheet over me and hugged my plush but I still couldn't sleep because of the feeling of being watched.

I build up some courage and looked around my room but there was nothing. So I just shrugged and closed my eyes.

That was when I heard a chuckle which made me slightly jump.
I was face with the wall and my back was face to the other side, I felt something approaching me from behind me, I started to remember what happened to the protagonist in the horror film and it made me shiver.

'I don't want to get dragged by that ghost from the movie.' I thought while paling.

My heart was beating faster and I was frozen, I knew it was not a horror movie but I had the need to turn on the lights.

So I shallowed a pill of courage and turned around very slowly, I took a deep breath and looked at my left side.
There I saw someone standing with burning purple eyes and watching me intensely.

My color drained out from my face

"OH MY GOTT, OH MY GOTT A GHOST!!!GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" I screamed while throwing a cushion at it while closing my eyes. I was breathing so hard that I felt like having a heart attack.

Then I heard the same chuckle I heard earlier and the ghost approached me. But I didn't want to get dragged so I retreated and backed away until I  touched the wall.

"Well that's a change" he said as he sat down on a chair that was pulled out of nowhere.

"Normally people would always point their weapons when they meet me or just glare at me......or both"

A man with a weird clothes and a mask covering half of his face appeared in front of me.

'So it wasn't a ghost' I thought, as I ignored what he just said, I sighed in relief knowing that it was a real person, I let my body relaxed and sat normally.

'But how did he get in' I thought as I tensed one more time, because I always made sure to lock the door even when I was alone at home.

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