💜Chapter 15💜

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Third POV💜

As usual during the week, everyone was secluded into doing their own things. Skull was being a real hermit and stayed holed up inside his room. Viper was somewhere outside, probably busy collecting informations because there was news popping up everyday from the most useless one to the most useful one.

Lal was keeping up with her training to not forget anything she learned, and she also wanted to improved her strength and abilities. Reborn was somewhere unknown, maybe killing some poor souls.

Fon was just outside taking advantage of the good weather to make himself a cup of tea, he was also accompanied with Verde who needed some peace and quiet, because inside the mansion it was very loud. With Luce putting some strange music to nurse herself to sleep and gun's shooting noises coming from left to right made it difficult to concentrate.

Even if Fon's smile annoyed him to no end when he embarrassingly asked if he could stay with him, it was better than staying in the middle of a battlefield of noise.

But what confused Verde the most, was that Skull was still inside and seemingly undisturbed by those noises. He began to suspect that the gun noises were because of Reborn and Skull fighting like usual over something trivial.

Skull POV 💜

While hearing some peaceful music, I stared at the fruits I arranged on the chair and looked back at the sketch I was currently working on. My brain felt like bugging any times, I thought that in my new life I would finally stop myself from doing sleepless nights where instead of actually sleeping I would either be drawing or playing on my IPad.

When I finished correcting the line, I was thinking to go to bed. But when I noticed the small lights coming out from the shutter, I awkwardly stared dead eyes at the fruits and the sketch where I only drew a banana.


Mocking myself about going to bed, I took off my headphones hoping to relax my ears from the music I listened to at least 10 hours a row. Except, instead of the peaceful quietness of the morning, all I heard was loud noises of guns shooting and a weird opera music playing.

Not wanting to do a mental breakdown where I screamed profanities for hours, I took a deep breath before heading to the bathroom. I needed a good bath and some teeth brushing.

There was no way I would stay in this uproar mansion.


After my 'hygienic' moment I grabbed my previous sketching book with a pencil and went downstairs. I nearly fell alseep in the bath which was quite dangerous. Even when I was brushing my teeth, I never knew if I dreamed about brushing them, so I ended up doing it at least 3 times.

When I arrived downstairs there was nobody, I was confused because normally they would be in the dining room. Thinking that I missed something important, I looked at the time on my phone and it showed that it was 14:50.

I blinked a bit before rubbing my tired eyes, I thought I was hallucinating and looked at my phone once again.

Nothing changed, it was still 14:50.

"Hahahaha, so I passed my time staying blocked on a banana...." I muttered to myself while laughing even thought I didn't found it funny.

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