💜Chapter 7: Bounding problems💜

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💜Chapter 7

💜Third POV

Luce: "This is not going well!!! Absolutely not!!" She yelled while slamming the table with her hands.

Luce finally bursted out of anger while the other looked at her questionably.

"Have you finally lost your mind Luce?" Skull asked unmoving about her burst out.

"Is there something wrong Luce?" Fon asked while holding his fan in his hand.

"I'm gonna tell what's wrong inside this mansion!! First of all! You Skull!" Luce yelled as she pointed out to him with her finger.

"Why me?! I'm perfectly perfect!" Skull answered.

"I seriously doubt that" Reborn added with a smirk.

"You are never here! I always have to drag you to the living room!!" Luce pointed out the wrongs he did.

"I don't believe you" Skull quickly denied as he looked straight in her eyes.

"Skull, she's right you know. She literally had to drag you here earlier and we all witnessed it" Lal said as she looked at him exasperated.

"Lies" Skull still denied the truth.

"You stupid lackey, Luce is right." Reborn the 'little teacher's pet' said while shaking his head in disappointment.

"AND YOU REBORN DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED!!" Luce angrily yelled at him.

Skull smirked as Reborn glared at him.

"You, no both of you!! Reborn and skull!! Since you have been here for a week, not even a day there was a moment where nothing was destroyed!"

"For my own defense it was Fedora bastard who started it"

"SHUT UP! Both of you destroyed the living room on Monday! Then Thursday it was the kitchen! Then the rest of the days it was the garden, the game room, the second living room and even the garage!!"

"Both of you are so stupid" Lal stated as she scratched her head.

"And you lal!"


"You are never here as well!"

"I am here!"

"Look who's lying now" Skull said as he grinned.

"Shut up Skull!! At least I come for dinner, lunch and breakfast!!"

"And you Fon, Viper!! If you are in the same place as Skull and Reborn, then at least stop them!!" Luce then showered her anger toward Fon.

"You're all just a handful bunch, I didn't get paid to stop fights"


"I was accompanying Viper to an evening tea."

"Fon!! Not you too! This is it!! From on now there will be a bonding activity every weekend! Like that, it will fix all of your bad habits!!"

"You can't force us-" Skull began to say but was cut.

"And yes I will if I have too. I expect that all of you are here, otherwise..." she finished as she glared all of them.

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