💜Chapter 2: darkness💜

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💜I don't own the picture above and it will be the same for every chapter.


💜Chapter 2

I woke up surrounded by nothing but darkness, which made me uncomfortable. I could imagine scream jumpers or ghost appearing out of nowhere and scaring me. As much as I was paranoid about those things it also felt empty but soothing.

Right now, I didn't know where I was, I looked around me feeling completely clueless and lost, everything was black. Strangely, I still could see my body perfectly, only my surrounding was unknown.

But wasn't I shot? Then I died right?
Where am I?

"But I'm still here so I'm alive right? Right?" I muttered alone hoping to hear a voice that would answer me.

But no voice came.

Only mine that resonated into the darkness.

I didn't believe that I died, because I was here. I touched my other hand to reassure myself, but I didn't feel anything. It was as if what I touched wasn't part of my body.

This made me think about the bullet that pierced my chest.

I  really died.

I died....

Why didn't I...... I could have said goodbye.....

A huge wave of sadness started to drown me. My memory was a bit fuzzy and I didn't really remember anything in details.
I was wondering what I said to my sister and mom, did I really died without saying anything.

But something snapped inside me, if I'm dead, then I won't see my family anymore....

Little by little emotions of regrets started to fill me, I regret saying it was no big deal not seeing my family anymore, it is really not fun. I wish I could just punch myself when I said it.

As much as my dignity hate to confess it, I just want a hug from dad and tell me everything is alright, I'm starting to regret not being able to accept his affections more often.
I want my sister to just tell me I'm fine, I maybe should have spent more time with her just like mom.
Maybe I should have shown my affection toward my wonderful mom.

It's funny that we only realize our mistakes after.

Now I was just crying at my miserable states, I could hear myself crying loudly  it sounded terrible I was having a mental break down.

Tears kept flowing out of eyes, my nose felt itchy. Unexpectedly, something appeared in front of me, I looked up and saw something like a light it looked like a screen but because of my tears I could only see things blurry, so I didn't know exactly what was on it.
Suddenly there was another light and something magically appeared on my thighs.

It was my favorite plush that I got since my birth. I could tell it from the touch, I just hugged it tight while I continued to cry.


After some time of crying like a baby, I gradually started to calm down, my nose was running too. As I was about to use my sleeves to clean my nose a box of tissues with a small trash bind popped out of nowhere.

I was thankful for whoever send them to me, because I didn't want to rub my sleeve on my nose it was just disgusting.

Grabbing one tissue, I cleaned my nose from the disgusting fluids that I prefer not to describe it and cleared my eyes from the tears with my hands.
They got wet in the process, so I just wiped them on my pants, which only got my pants wet.

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