Oneshot: Larry x Reader|| Wanna make purple?

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Wanna make purple?

Warnings: Swearing ( light)

Your point of view
Sanity Falls played softly in the background as Larry and I were getting ready to paint on the canvas in his room.
We had been down in the basement for around forty minutes now, and we were still trying to come up with what we should paint.

" Ok, ok what if we painted our dreams?" Larry asked with a paint brush balancing on his top lip.
" I don't know man, my dreams are pretty weirrrdd." I said laying on my back on his bed, looking at the sealing.
"How weird?" He said glancing at me from the bean bag he sat in.

I then sat up and looked him in the eyes and said,
" Like Charley as a zebra centaur, showing me around candy land weirdddd." Larry then starts dying from laughter.
"Oh my god! And I know you're not kidding, there no way you could make that up!" he said laughing, and holding his stomach.

" Don't laugh at my centaur dream!" I yelled jokingly, as I hit him on head.
" Ok, ok but I'd love to paint your dream." He said, calming down from his laughing fit.
" You are only aloud to paint my dream, if I can paint yours." I replied, hope off his bed and going to my easel.

" Sorry, but my dreams are off limits." He said walking over to his easel.
" Ummm no, you know mine, so I should know yours if I'm going to paint it." I said putting my hands on my hips.
" Just do a self portrait and you'll be close enough." He said not taking his eyes off his painting.

I was confused for a second and as I stood there dumbfounded, Larry looked up at me and winked with a big grin. Then it hit me.
"You-you mean m-me?" I said, pointing at myself and I see Larry smirk.
" What else would I dream about?" I didn't ask, only blushed and looked away. I heard him chuckle a bit as he continued his painting.

At some point, when my blush calmed down I started on my 'self portrait', mixing colors and starting with the background. Larry then spoke up and said,
" Hey what was Charley wearing? And I'm hoping the answer isn't, nothing."
He glanced at me, sitting down his paints for a second.
I snorted and laughed then said,
" No, no he had his good old nasty wife beater,"

He nodded and went to pop his back, then I continued, "What am I usually wearing?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He laughed and said,
"Ya know,... clothes?" with a half grin, as his back popped and he let out a happy sigh.
"Want to be in my painting?" I asked as I continued to paint.
" Sure I'll add you to mine too."

He stood up right and continued his painting. We continued to talk back and forth, then at some point we were both done.

" Ok I want to see yours first." Larry said hiding his painting a bit.
" Fine, here" I said, turning it to him. The painting was me on a throne, looking like a (A/N Snack ;) ) Goddess next to a long nosed,dirty brown haired, green skinned, troll.

" First ok rude, my skin isn't green." Larry said, causing me to laugh a bit that he didn't say anything about his nose.
" Alright, show me yours." I said to him crossing my arms. A devilish smile grew and his face when he showed me.

There I was in the arms of Charley the centaur, standing in candy land.
"Ew! Larry that's like eight times worse then being a troll!" He laughed and said,
" Calm down, look, you're smiling because your handsome prince is on his way." I huffed and whispered sarcastically,
"Handsome is a bit much."

He gasped and grabbed his paint brush and flicked the bristles, causing yellow paint to spot on my shirt.
"You little shit." I said, doing the same to him.

With that our paint war began. Back and forth, different colors of the rainbow landed on each other and the room around us. The fighting only stopped when I got paint in my mouth. I coughed and hacked at the taste, causing Larry to stop. He then walked closer and asked,
" Are you ok?" In response, I grabbed a close by brush and painted his mouth red.

I laughed as he had the same reaction as I did.
"Wow, paint taste terrible." Larry said, making me smile. I walked over to my painted boyfriend and said,
"Sorry I painted your face red." He then responded,
"Sorry I painted your face blue.... Want to... make purple?"

I giggled and nodded kissing him happily, only to regret it when we got more paint in our mouths.

(A/N fun fact, the dream the reader had was the dream I had the night before I wrote this, also if you know what I'm referencing in this chapter then you are awesome!
~ Missdeadinside)

{Editing} Sally Face Characters x reader : Oneshots / ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now