Oneshot: Sal x Shy!Reader|| The new boy

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The new boy

Requested by: MaskedSal
(Thank you for pointing out when I miss spelled Packerton >_> )

Your point of view

I let out a low sign as I walked into school. I walked in expecting it to be a normal Monday. Go to school, go to class, eat, go to class, go home, it was all the same every day. I wasn't one to change things, it was hard for me, especially if people were involved.

I was quiet compared to others. I've always been that way, so in return, no one really talked to me ether.

I made my way to my locker and fiddled with the horrible locks the school had for a minute or two. When it finally opened, I put my backpack in and grabbed my books. As I did so I felt movement to my right side, but payed no mind to it because there were many people walking around.

I listened in, from time to time, the pasting conversations, so when I heard a faint,
"Excuse me?" I didn't pay any mind to it. But that was before a hand was placed on my shoulder scaring me. I jumped at the contact and turned to see who it was.

There in front of me was a (taller/shorter) male, with bright blue hair and a strange little mask.
"Excuse me?" I assumed they repeated.
"S-sorry... yes?" When I said that I tried not to make eye contact, it was pretty embarrassing.

"Do you know where Mr. Smiths (A/N a random name for a teacher) class is?" He handed me a schedule and I looked over it. His name was Sal Fisher, and by the looks of it we had a couple classes together. I handed back the schedule and nodded, then softy said,
"It's my first period..."

Whenever I'd talk, his eyes were always on me, it was hard not to blush.
"Would it be ok if you show me the way? I'm new here." As he said that, he folded the schedule and slipped it into his red jeans.

"S-sure..." Was all I could really let out. This boy was the first person in a long time at this school to talk to me, even if I wasn't good with people, I don't want to scare him away. I closed my locker and signaled him to follow. He skipped right up next to me with his hands on the straps of his backpack.

"So... what's your name?" He asked looking over at me.
"... (Y/N)." I replied in a whisper, hugging my book closer.
"I'm Sal, but you can call me SallyFace.... You don't talk much... do you?" I shock me head as I looked to our left at Mr. Smiths door. I heard him chuckle a bit so I looked at him.
"It's ok if you're quiet, I can talk enough for the both of us."

I giggled a bit and watched as his mask moved up a bit, telling me he was smiling. I smiled back at him as the bell rang. We walked into class together and I sat in my normal seat, but when I looked to my left I saw he sat next to me. I gave him another small smile and started to do the bell work.

We went the rest of the day talking whenever we'd have a class together. Sometimes I'd see him walking with others, most likely his friends. When lunch came around I grabbed my food and went to my favorite place in the whole school, the courtyard.

Kim the lunch lady hangs out here on her free time, but since she was working I had it all to myself. On my way there I saw Sal with his friends enjoying themselves. I wasn't sad or anything, I just kind of wish I had someone. While I was shy, I was also lonely, it was a terrible mixture.

When I enter the courtyard, a faint smile formed on my face. This place was like a safe haven to me, not many people came here, especially on a cloudy day like this. I made my way to the spot where I always ate, the little bench by one of the trees in the yard. The bench was small and aged, but it had a charm to it I loved.

I sat down and started to eat my lunch, listening to the little bird that lived in the tree just behind me. I was in the middle of taking a bite when the door into the school cracked open. There in the doorway is Sal, holding his lunch tray. He pushes the door open a bit more and stepped out, making sure to use a rock to hold it open.

"Hey (Y/N)... what are you doing out here?" He walked over to me and sat down on my bench. I felt my face burn a bit because of how close he was, and stammered out,
"E-eat-ting?" I heard him chuckle a bit causing my blush to darken.

"Well yeah, but why are you out here alone?" His voice was calm and made me feels so comfortable, it was strange... different even.
"I- I just like it out here... Its calming and... quiet." He nodded to my response, looking around and said,
"You're right, it is nice out here... Could I join you?"

I let a small smile form, and nodded. We then ate in a calming silence. We did this almost everyday now, and everyday I grew just a little bit more out of my shell, and a little bit more in love with him. He made me feel like the world as a beautiful place, like nothing bad could happen when I was at his side.... and one lunch period.... he told me he felt the same.

(A/N I hope you guys like it! It's been really hard to write, I've been distracted by work and sickness... also video games.)


{Editing} Sally Face Characters x reader : Oneshots / ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now