Oneshot P2: Ashley x Dead!Reader|| My photo wall

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My photo wall- Part Two

Ashley's point of view

"As I grabbed my keys and walked out the door, I whispered, "I'm coming (Y/N)."

I rode my motorcycle down the familiar streets, towards the old and ruined building I've been in countless times. When it came into view my heart started to ache. The night of the murder, I showed up just after everyone had... died. As the police had their eyes on Sal, I ran into the apartments and up to the four floor.

The halls had bloody foot prints leading from door to door. When I made it to (Y/N)'s I was already balling my eyes out. It hurt to breathe, to think, to even consider. I opened the door and there at their dining table was my (Y/N). The back of their neck sliced open, staining their clothes and gorgeous (H/C=hair color) hair.

My whole body was shaking as I took wobbly steps over to their corpse. Their warm (E/C= eye color) eyes now a lifeless hue, staring up in nothingness. Their head had been resting on a piece of paper, I only noticed it after wiping the stray tears from my eyes.

"Dear Ashley," It read, " I'm so happy you decided to visit! When you get here you better visit me first! After all I am your (Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Lover). Anyway I'm writing this as a going away present! Becauseeeeeee I'm moving in with yo-"

The letter ended there. I fell to my knees and start crying out their name, like they could hear me. I took their lifeless, cold hand in mine for the very least time.

But that was then and this was now. This time I won't have any police officers to pull me away. I rode over to the front of the building and parked. The apartments were pretty much nothing but ruins now. The warm, inviting, and smelly building was left to almost a ghost town with no life at all.

I pulled my jacket on tighter as a breeze blow through the air, chilling my already icy body. I walked up the long concrete path to the worn out door that was barely on.

Walking in, I was hit with more and more memories of my past. Halloween, christmas, snow days, prom, all came flooding back into my head like a catchy song. I knew the elevator was out by now so I'd have to climb my way up.

It took some time, but I eventually made it to the fourth floor. Again I felt my heart beating out of my chest as I made my way to 404, getting a sense of déjà vu. My fingers lingered on the door knob when I first got there, but in do time I opened the door.

The room was empty and dirty. You could see the outlines of where the furniture used to be. I could remember sitting all over the living room just cuddling with (Y/N). I placed one of my hands on the old, torn wallpaper as I stared at the last place they were alive.

The floor still had the scuff marks from the table and it was stain with a faded red color.

"H-hey (Y/N)... I know I haven't seen you in a- in a while... but I miss you I-I," I started to chock up on my words, feeling a lump in my throat. " I've been thinking about you n-nonstop. I... you are always in my dreams, in my thoughts, in my mind.... I-I n-need you to show yourself.... I have to know the truth... If it was all true."

The only sound was the wind blowing through the gaps in the walls. I sat in the floor where I'd normally sit if there was a table. I reached into my bag and pulled out one thing. The picture of
(Y/N) I brought with me.

"(Y/N) please, I-I know it's probably difficult, but I need to know... Sal's on trial, and I want to protect him, but well... you know it's not e-easy for me."

Again nothing but the wind.
"Maybe I might have a better chance with Larry...." I whispered as I stood up. I was about to leave when I hear a gut turning scream. I turned in horror, but it quickly went to shock as I see a ghostly (Y/N) standing just next to where they died.

"Hey Ashley." They said rubbing their arm. I felt tears fall from my eyes and I ran to them with my arms out. I jumped to hug them, but I went straight through them and found myself on the cold floor. " Are you ok?" (Y/N) asked, sitting beside me.

"(Y/N), oh god (Y/N)!" I tried to place a hand on their cheek only for it to phase through, leaving a strange cold feeling. They then put their hand on mine, making the coldness worse.

Your point of view

It took a lot of energy, but here I was sitting with Ashley, for the first time in a long time. I 'held' her hand the best I could, not taking my eyes off her for a second. I've seen her many times in my life, and every time it left me breathless.

" Ashley, why are you here? It isn't safe." I said, staring into her beautiful green eyes.
"(Y/N), Sal killed you, I need answers!" She said, now sitting up, but still with her hand on my face.

"Ash, he saved us! Though being dead isn't all that great, it's a million times better then what would've happened!" I told her nothing but the truth, yet tears once again started to fall.
"(Y/N) I miss you so much," she cried, and continued " Don't say it's better being dead!"

"Ashley you have no idea what was going to happen! To let you know, I wasn't myself, I was fake! I couldn't control my body when Sal killed me! I sat there trapped in my own head with nothing! And I know for a fact that it got to Todd too, Todd has it and from what I know he's still Alive!" I said trying to get her to understand.

She was quiet for a second, but then said,
"If I killed myself, could I be with you?" Her question made me angry, it was almost as if she didn't hear anything I was saying,
"Ashley Campbell, you will not kill your self! I need you alive, you have to save Sal! You have to save everyone!"

I held her shoulder the best I could to try and get through to her. "Ashley... right now isn't your time. You're are meant to live for much, much longer... Please," She tried to run her fingers in my hair, but I felt nothing. "(Y/N)... I don't think I could live a life without you." Her voice was softly and almost a whisper.

Ashley's point of view

They 'placed' a hand on my thigh, and said,
" Love, I feel the same way right now. Every second without you on the other side is so much colder and dark then it really is. You could ask any spirit in this place, and they'll tell you, you're all the I ever talk about. I want you to know that no matter how long it takes, I'll be waiting for you. Now... go save Nockfell."

Before I could talk, their ghostly lips were on mine. It was cold and sent chills through out my body. Before they pulled away there was a bright flash and a scream. When I stopped feeling their lips, I opened my eyes to see I was alone again in the dirty old room.

The only difference was my polaroid camera was now sitting on the floor with a picture next to it. I crowd over and picked it up. The picture was of me and (Y/N), sharing our kiss. Their ghostly body transparent and foggy, but you could tell it was them.

I picked up my camera and wiped my eyes of the tears that had fell, then I whispered,

"I love you (Y/N), I'll be back for you... and I'll save Nockfell."

Then I ran out with my evidence.

{Editing} Sally Face Characters x reader : Oneshots / ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now