Oneshot: Larry x Ghost!Holmes!Fem!Reader|| I knew her

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I knew her

Requested by: Kikanarosaki
(Sorry it took so long, I hope you like it, friend. You are amazing)

Backstory: You are Megan's sister, so you are (Y/N) Holmes

Warnings: Death, gore?, I'm not sure, short

Your point of view [5 years ago]

Today Larry and I were playing outside. Him and I had been friends for a long time now. Since our dads are friends, we see each other a lot, so hanging out was easy. Right now we're playing tag, Larry was 'it.'

He chased me around the yard and the base of his treehouse trying to catch me. I ran as fast as I could, hearing the sounds of our laughter fill the air. At some point I tripped on a rock and scraped my knee. When I fell, I quickly grabbed my cut, whimpering in pain. Larry quickly made his way to me and crouched down to look at my injury.

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry!" He said moving my hands to see the speckles of blood doting.
"It wasn't your fault Larry, I'll... I'll be ok. I've had... worse." I said with a small smile. He nodded, but didn't look to happy. "Hey, really it's ok!" I continued as I wiped the blood away.

He then pulled me into a hug, making me blush a bit.
"L-larry?" I asked in a almost whisper.
He leaned in close to my ear and whispered,
"Tag..." Then pushed me away making me laugh again.
"You jerk!" I yelled chasing after him.

I was just about to get him when the back door opened. There was my dad, Luke, with a strange look in his eyes.
"(Y/N)... sweetheart, it's time to come inside..." He said, eyes only on me. I was a bit uncomfortable. Dad never called me 'sweetheart' or names like that.
"O...K? Ummm... Bye Larry I'll see you tomorrow, I guess." I said, waving bye to Larry, him doing the same and made his way to his treehouse.

When I made it to my dad he roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me into the building. He didn't say a word as he held me with a death grip all the way back to the apartment, no matter how many questions I would asked. Once on the fifth floor, he threw open our apartment door and tossed me in.

I hit the hard floor and quickly looked up at him to see him close the door.
"D-dad? What's... going on?" In the middle of saying that, I noticed how quiet the apartment was. My eyes left my dad as I scanned the room.

Chairs were knocked over. A drink was broken on the corner and split in the floor. I didn't see mom or Megan anywhere. "Where's mom and Megan?" I asked scouting away from him. He laughed and flashed deep, red eyes at me. "Dad?" He walked forward as I continued to scout back.

When he got close enough, he grabbed me by my neck and brought he's face down to mine.
"Don't worry sweetheart... You'll find them soon enough." His laughter grew louder and louder, the only the I could hear as he strangled me. I feel the world around me fade as I scratch at his hands in hope of freeing myself; Trying to call for help, but only letting out gasps of air.

But in the end... I fail and feel my soul leave my body, my last moments alive begging for help.

Larry's point of view [ Present]

"I'm sure they'll be here today, and when you see them you'll know ghost are real." Sal said, as we stood in the elevator to the fifth floor. Sal really wanted me to meet his ghost friends, two sisters or something. Every time he'd bring me to see them, no one would show. The older sister, whenever he'd talk about her, would remind me of my childhood friend, since the ghosts stayed in my friends old apartment.

She's been gone for around five years now, and I miss her every day. She and her family disappeared all together... It also happened around the same time I lost my dad, so life sucked until Sal came around.

When we made it to the fifth floor, I was hit with the same wave of nostalgia I get every time I'm here. We walked down the dusty, old hall to the apartment door and went inside. Then we made our way to the bathroom.

The bathroom was pretty gross, and only had a bit of dim light. I crossed my arms as Sal brought out the supergear boy.
"Hey... Are you guys there?" Sal asked walking around to try and find a hot spot. It was pretty quiet with not much sound in the room with us. "Hello?" he continued.

Again nothing. Sal sighed and was about to turn the Gear Boy off when it started flashing green. He quickly activated it and horrible scream filled my ears. I watch and as a ghostly shaped formed... formed into (Y/N).

She looked exactly the same as the day I last saw her, besides dead eyes and hand prints on her neck. We only stared at each other, lost for words.

"Hey, you showed up today! (Y/N) this is-" Sal spoke, but was cut off by (Y/N) saying, "Larry..." Sal was now very confused, a bit stunned by the fact she knew my name. I walked up to her and stood there for a second, than I tried to wrapped my arms around her. They went straight through her, only leaving a cold feeling around me. Both of us started to cry as we tried to hold each other, sitting in the floor and not moving away.

"Guys?... What going on?" Sal question, breaking the lop of sobs.
"I...I knew her. She was my best friend before you... My only friend." I replied watching her smile a bit at me. "God, what happened to you (Y/N)? What happened?" She placed her hand on mine and said,
"D-dad... He-he killed me. He killed everyone... even himself."

Angry ran through me and I tighten my fists.
"I knew it! I knew he did it. The second he showed up I knew something bad was going to happen! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I... I let you die.." I almost yelled, hating myself for letting it happen. I hear Sal leave the room to give us space.

(Y/N) took my face in her hands the best she could and made me look at her.
"Larry, don't blame yourself... It's not your fault it's his. He killed me, not you, you didn't know and that's not your fault." I felt more tears run down my face as I try once more to hold her.

"... I'm sorry I didn't come looking for you." I whispered into her form, watching her closely.
"But you did, you found me and that's all the matters... Your here now, I'm here now and we are together again."

I looked up into her eyes and said softly,
" I promise that will be together for the rest of my life." She smiled at that and said,
"I promise I'll be waiting in the afterlife for the rest of your life."

(A/N I made this for one of my friends and I hope you like it because it's not as good as it should of been.)

{Editing} Sally Face Characters x reader : Oneshots / ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now