Oneshot: Todd x Reader|| I'm here

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I'm here


Your point of view

I let out a long board sign as I looked to the clock on the wall.


The only reason I'm up so late is because my parents are off doing who knows what for their job. They never talked much about their job, but they'd spend days away, just sending me money in the mail. I'd have to buy my own food, or whatever else I ran out of. Living here felt like a college dorm, but my parents would come visit from time to time.

This night was like most nights, eating a microwave meal in front of the TV with my favorite drink. I sighed again as I started flipping through the channels to find something to watch. Just as I found a nice movie, there was loud knocking at my door. It closes me to jump, almost spilling my dinner.

I sat down the plastic plate down and then made my way to the door. I peaked through the eye hole to see my best friend Todd in tears. I quickly unlocked the door and pulled him into a hug. He held on tightly as I brought him inside, closing the door behind us.

I sat him down on the couch and muted the TV. He continued to sob into my shoulder as I patted his back. Todd was normally not one to show much emotions, so I gave him some time to get everything out before I talked to him.

When his sobs became hiccups, I grabbed a tissue and handed it to him. He graciously took it and wiped his eyes, then his nose. I was quiet as he did so, then I softly whispered,
"Hey... What's wrong Todd?" I rubbed his back to help him get everything out.

"I-I," He whimpered, "... N-neil broke up with me!" When he said that I gasped, then he wrapped his arms around me once more.
"T-todd could you explain?" I said rocking him ever so gently. I was truly confused, they two were so happy together, even if I had a crush on Todd I was happy they had each other. The idea that Neil would leave him shocked me.

"He-he c-c-called me and-and said we SHOULD SEE OTHER PEOPLE!" He said, yelling at the end of his sentence. He sobbed into his hands and continued, "HE DID'NT EVEN GIVE ME A REASON, AND OVER THE PHONE? WHO DOES THAT?!" I shushed him calmly and pulled him into a hug, wrapped my arms around him and running my fingers through his thick, curly hair.

I've never seen Todd this upset, it made so angry, yet sad at the same time.
"Shhhh, it's ok, I'm here for you. I'll always be, for now and forever, ok? What Neil did was NOT ok, and you have every right to be upset. I say tomorrow you confront him, and get some answers." After I said that he looked up at me with this heart breaking frown and said,
"I-I, don't that I can look at him..."

I brought his head back down into our hug and replied,
"It's ok you can take all the time you need Todd. And when you're ready I'll be there with you ok?" He nodded and whispered into my chest,
"Thanks (Y/N)..."

One week later

Ever since Neil and Todd broke up, Todd's been spending most of his time with me. And while I'm not complaining, I'm still worried about him. Every time he sees Neil, he looks like he's going to bursted into tears, so I quickly get him out of there. It was almost like he was following us considering how much we saw him.

At some point I knew Todd probably wouldn't ask Neil, so I did.

It was lunch, Todd was sitting just beside me talking with Chug about what most likely is in the hamburger the school uses. But his eyes were across the way looking at Neil and his friends. It was time, I had to do it. I stood up making my friends all look at me, I then whispered in an angry tone,
"I'll be back..."

I left the table and made my way to Neil, hearing Todd pleading me not to. When I got there his friends were all looking at me.
"Is there something you need, (Y/N)?" Neil asked rinsing an eye brow.
"We need to talk.." Was all I said. He nodded knowing just what I was talking about. We left the lunch room, feeling both tables of friends watching us leave.

When we made it to the hall, I crossed my arms and said,
"Why?" He sighed and looked down rubbing the back of his neck.
"Look I-..... I really did love Todd. He was an amazing boyfriend and made me sooo happy, but... I just can't be with him." He said looking at me, a hint of sore in his eyes.

"But why leave him if he made you so happy?"
"I-I.... In all honesty, I just think that we're just not meant to be. We were happy sure, had some amazing times, but I think some else could be better for him..." I looked down, he was self conscious about dating him. My mind raced thinking of almost a hundred different things to say, when he put a hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/N)... I trust you as my friend to make him happy. Happier then I ever could, give him the life he deserves... Tell him whatever you want about this chat, but make sure he's happy." Before I could answer, Neil was back into the lunch room to his friends.

I felt like Neil should of just talked with Todd about it and not leave him, but that isn't the cards I was dealt. I walked back into the lunch room and hugged Todd who seemed to become very upset the second I left.

"W-what did he say?" He asked in a shaky voice with big puffy eyes. I explained the best I could, making sure to tell the truth about Neil's feelings. Todd don't say a word the rest of the day.

One month later

Todd's been getting better, so much better. He's started to talk a bit to Neil again, he's had less crying fits. Along with that we've been hanging out a LOT more. Studying, watching movies, even just taking the time to meet up an talk it was... nice.

In the back of my mind, I could still hear Neil's words, telling me to make Todd happy. It wasn't always easy, but it always made me happy to see him with a smile on his freckled face.

One me and Todd were just laying on the roof together, looking at the clouds and guessing what they looked like. Our eyes on the sky, our bodies next to each other. It was normal with jokes and laughing, when he took my hand. He did it so slowly and gently, almost scared, but when he fully had it I held onto it tightly, taking my eyes off the sky.

He hair was blowing softly in the wind and he had a loving smile on his face. I smiled back and moved closer to him, enjoying his warmth. I promised Neil I'd make him happy, and I promised Todd I'd always be there for him.....

So here I am.

(A/N I hope you like it! Personally I ship Todd and Neil and I likes Neil's character. )

{Editing} Sally Face Characters x reader : Oneshots / ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now