Scenario: || They realize they love you

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They realize they love you

Sal Fisher/ Sallyface

You were watching a horror movie with him on a Friday night. Sal wasn't really all that scared of horror films, he'd jump or look away, but that was about it. He was worried that you'd get too scared by it, but was happily surprised when you watched it just fine. After the movie the two of you talked about it, and other horrors you liked. The way your eyes lit up as you talked about your favorite movies melted his heart. He found himself lost in thought just thinking about how amazing you really were, and that is when he realized he liked you.

Larry Johnson

Larry was painting and listening to Sanity Fall's, while you sat on his bed reading. As he painted, he watched you with a small smile as you kicked your legs back and forth, deep into your story. The way your eyes were trained on the book, and how you'd smiled, or throw up your eyebrows at different parts; he loved it, and without even realizing, his painting slowly started to look like you.

Ashley Campbell

It didn't take long at all for her to fall for you. She found herself thinking about you all the time, and being bored when you weren't around. The moment she knew though, was one of the many days you had to leave her house and go back home. She watched you walk away with a sad smile on your face. The way the light hit you made you shine like an angel, and she couldn't help but sigh longingly as you walked down the sidewalk.

Todd Morrison

He was telling you about the ghost that lived in his bathroom. You nodded and payed attention to every word he said, then you asked question to learn more. He found himself blushing at how you didn't make fun of him for believing in ghosts, and how you seems actually interested. When you both enter the bathroom, you tried to look for signs of ghost activity. He smiled the whole time with nothing but love in his mind.


{Editing} Sally Face Characters x reader : Oneshots / ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now