Oneshot: Lisa x Adult!Reader|| So kind

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So kind

Your point of view
I moved in about four months ago and I've become very fond of everyone who lives here. Especially the maintenance woman, Lisa. She was always willing to help if I ever needed it and for that I was grateful.

My apartment was never in very good condition and something messed up almost every day. But Lisa would always be there to lend a hand. Because of this, I'd help her just as much. I'd cook dinner for her and her son, Larry, and invite them over to my place. The two seemed to love my cooking which always warmed my heart.

One night, however was different. I invited them to dinner and we ate happily, but later I found them again at my door, now soaking wet.
"W-what happened to you two?" I asked being them in.
"Sooo the basement flooded while we were up here," I gasped in shook when Lisa said that, while holding Larry close as she continued, " We told Addison and called for some help, but they won't be here until morning.... I was hoping maybe you'd... let us stay?"

"Of course you can! You're always welcomed here," I smiled walking them to my room. "Here, you can have my room, and full free to shower."
"Oh I couldn't take your bed, this is your home!" Lisa said looking to me a bit flustered.
"Please, I insist. Besides you have Larry and he should get plenty of sleep!" (A/N Larry is young in this, like 6 or so)

Lisa looked to Larry who rubbed his eyes and let out a small yawn.
"Ok... thank you (Y/N), really this is too kind." Lisa half smiled when she said that, sitting Larry on the bed.
"If you need anything, I'll be in the living room. There some clothes in the closet if you need." I told the two as I shut the bedroom door.

As I made my bed on my couch, I can't help but think of the two. They brought so much joy to my life. Larry was a great kid with big dreams. He loved to drew and play games and was just over all a sweetheart. Then there was Lisa; if I was honest, every time I thought of her I blushed. She was so giving and saw the good in everything, I loved that about her.

I laid on the couch for a while tossing and turning when the bedroom door opened. There was Lisa in one of my t-shirt and pj bottoms, they were big on her, but looked amazing on her at the same time.
"Hey... I hope you don't mind I put this on." she said in a whisper as she closed the door behind her. I shook my head and move my legs so she could sit.

"Not at all, I offered it to you, you're fine."She sat next to me, her hair a bit messy from laying down a bit.
"Thank you again for letting us stay, you really are to sweet (Y/N)." She smiled as she looked at me. I blushed at her complement and quickly said,
"You're sweeter!," She blushed, " I-I mean like you do so much for everyone, it's-it's really sweet..."

She smiled, the light blush still dusted on her cheeks. She takes my hand and says,
"You're too kind, You're always so kind." I hold her hand back, having her fingers laced with mine felt... right. I rubbed her knuckles and noised that our faces were extremely close. I took the opportunity and leaden forward, connecting our lips together.

She gasped in surprise, her eyes opened wide, but as she melted her eyes softly closed as she kissed back. I held onto her as I hear a door open in the background and then a "Ew!"

We separated to see a sleepy Larry standing in the door way with a grossed out face. We both blush harder and look at the smaller boy who started to walk closer. He climbed up on the couch, between our legs and sat down. He then looked at me with a serious face and said,
"If you're going to marry my mommy, I hope you know you're going to have to make me dinosaur chicken nuggets!"

Lisa and I both broke into laugher, and I ruffled his hair, which he hated. I then answered,
"It may be a bit early for that idea, but I'll make you all the nugs you want." He nodded seriously and then answered,
"Then it's a deal!"
"Don't I get a say in this?" Lisa said, hugging her son.
" I can cut you into the nugget deal too, mommy." He whispered to her, but not very well.

"Deal." She whispered back, making me smile.

I guess to get married, all you need is chicken nuggets and a flooded basement.

(A/N I hoped you liked the Lisa chapter. I love her as a character and I hope you do too.)

{Editing} Sally Face Characters x reader : Oneshots / ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now