Scenario: 6|| You realize you love them

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You realize you love them

(A/N what's up homies? How was your day? I'm still dying of the flu so that's fun.)

Sal Fisher/ SallyFace

You were alone together in your bedroom doing your homework. The radio played softly as a light storm grew outside. The whole time you were stealing glancing at Sal. Today was a bit different from other day, he didn't have his hair in his normal pigtails. He had his blue locks in high bun on the top of his head.

Even though you've studied together countless times, just this small change made a big difference. You haven't seen his face yet, but with his hair out of his face, it gave you room for imagination. You knew that his face had damage, but your image of him... made you blush a bit. The idea of a beautiful face behind that mask got you thinking of other things.
(A/N don't be gross kids )

Your mind wondered to the idea of dating him and how amazing he'd be as a boyfriend. When doing so, after all this time you truly knew... you loved him.

Larry Johnson

Larry had just bought some ice cream cones for the two of you. Today you took a walk in the park and stopped for a quick snack. The wind was blowing and it was a semi cloudy day, but Larry always made it ten times better.

His jokes, his laugh, the way the wind blow some of his long hair into his face. You couldn't help but stare.

"Ummm (Y/N)?"
"Your ice cream is melting."

You quickly looked down to see your frozen treat running down your hand and the cone, onto your shoes. You quickly cursed and Larry laughed.

"Hey... it's ok. Let's go get some napkins and I'll buy you another cone."
"Larry you don't have to do that."
"I know, but I want to."

He helped you clean up and brought you that new cone. The whole time just giving this adorable smile that almost made you crush your new cone. The way he was helping you and treating you so nicely made you feel in love.

Ashley Campbell

You walked home with a big smile on your face after leaving Ashley's house. You were playing video games and just hanging out, until your parents called saying you should head home before the rain comes. But you didn't out run the rain and now you were stuck shivering and damp all the way back.

Ashley didn't live to far from the apartments, but it was still a good walk with lots of hills. You were almost halfway home when from behind you, you heard,
"(Y/N)!.... (Y/N)!"

You turned around to see Ashley running to you with an umbrella in hand.

"Ashley?! What are you doing out here!?"

"I," She started out of breath, "-I noticed you left your notebook." She said unzipping her jacket and pulling said book out in a plastic bag.
"Ashley you could of just given it to me tomorrow. Why would you come all this way in the rain?" She gave you a big smile and said,
"I wanted to give it to you now and.... I'll take any opportunity to see my favorite person, even through the rain."

Her big smile grew as she handed you the umbrella and book she was holding. When she pasted it over, she held onto your hands and looked straight into your eyes for only a second. The whole time deep blush grew onto your face, you couldn't believe she did all of this.

"Well, I should probably get going... but I'll see you soon, bye!" and with that she ran off back into the rain. You called for her to take the umbrella back, but she keep running.

This was the day you fell for her.

Todd Morrison

"Want popcorn?" Todd yelled from the kitchen.
"Yes please!" You yelled back from his room. Today you and Todd were going to have a movie marathon, something the two of you did a lot.

When Todd entered the room, he finds you wrapped in his bed sheets looking for a movie on his computer. He walked over to you and sat down, making himself comfortable. You picked an older movie you thought looked interesting and sat back.

As you sat bed on the bed, you opened your blanket burrito and let Todd into it. He leaned up next to you and wrapped an arm around your back to hold himself up. He'd done it before countless times, but this one felt different. You quickly glanced at him, only to find him locked onto the movie.

The light from the screen lit up his face and showed all the little details you'd miss if you weren't looking close enough. The way he's eyes shined from behind his glasses mesmerized you. You found yourself in love with the adorable dork.

(A/N look at me go with an actual update, wowie. Sorry some of them are better than others.)


{Editing} Sally Face Characters x reader : Oneshots / ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now