『01』Unforgettable First Day

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Unforgettable First Day

Dedicated to Luca-senpai for being an inspiration to write my first OHSHC fanfic!


The third music room, what a joke. That was the first thought that ever crossed my mind when I wandered the halls of the royal Ouran Academy. I had been searching all over the place for somewhere to listen to my music, without anyone around to bother me, but instead I found myself walking into something that at the time I regretted, now I don't know what I'd do without them. And by them, I mean...

"Welcome beautiful maiden! You must be new here!" The extravagant blond said to me as soon as I stepped through the double doors.

The Ouran High School Host Club


My eyes scanned the room, and for the first time, I laid eyes on the uniforms one was expected to wear at this academy. It was my first day at Ouran, and I was only there to observe and get a feel for the place. I transferred from half across the globe, the United States. Why go to Japan for your sophomore year of high school? Well, my grandpa thought it'd be good for me.

The day after my mom passed away, my grandpa started watching over me. Dad had long since been gone, and mom had to take care of me all on her own. She was prone to illness, but no matter how sick she got; she always put in her best effort, and for that... for working so hard, she paid the price. Her body literally died of exhaustion.

Grandpa figured it might be good for me to venture some place foreign and meet new people, I suppose to get my mind off of everything. He noticed I had taken two years of Japanese and so here I am. Not that I exactly mind, I just couldn't believe grandpa went through all this trouble of enrollment and finding me an apartment to live here for the year. He couldn't come with me becuase he has his own medical reasons, plus he isn't much of a traveler, it's too much stress on his health.

From the moment I got on the plane, I was on my own. It was such a long flight, but the landing was okay. Once I got settled into my apartment, I crashed and prepared for the following day. I didn't know it, but it wasn't their first day of the school year, actually I was enrolling midway through their year. They told me I'd have to make twice the effort if I wanted to gain my credits for the year. It seems these rich kids have a lot on their shoulders, so I expected them to be hard working, scholarship bound kids. Who knew they didn't even have to try to be perfect? Yet here I was, Miss Foreigner, who was actually in fact, poor all things considered, and I was going to one of the most impressive educational establishments Japan has to offer.

The principle warned me my clothes wouldn't be sufficient for the environment, so I ordered an uniform with some of the money my grandpa gave me. (He gave me enough to get by for a few months if I spent it wisely.) But, he told me that maybe experiencing my first job in Japan might be exciting. I really didn't necessarily agree with him, but I did what most teenagers do when they don't want to listen or are not paying attention to their guidance: smile and nod.

But now, as I stared blankly at the clothing I was expected to prance around in, I almost died right there and then. Yellow dresses with white pantyhose and black shoes that have heels in them! A dress?! You'd never see caught dead in a dress! I was sporting a white shirt with a pair of jeans, ripped at the knees, a pair of headphones on my shoulders, a brown messenger bag on my left shoulder, wore Converse on my feet, and a look of disbelief on my face, that quickly shed away into a blank stare as I tried to keep myself composed. I'm sure my bright red hair threw them off as well (not red as orange, but as fire red). I looked so different from them all; I was an outcast.


I was completely oblivious to the idiot in front of me, but when he finally got my attention by standing there and expecting me to greet him with a cheerful smile, I just stared at him with a look of annoyance. These kinds of guys went to my school too, and I might say their self-confidence could light up a whole city for days and never dim if imaginable.

"What a royal idiot." I murmured, and like a reflex, the whole room went dead silent, as if I just flicked off the light switch to the city that fueled from his existence.

The blond immediately retreated to the corner of woe like he was banishing himself to Idiot Island. I wasn't sure what his deal was, but when my eyes focused on the room once more, a group of very prim and proper princesses looked like I was the ugliest hag they had ever seen and I had just delivered the poisonous apple that destroyed their happily ever after.

"Don't mind him, he gets that way from time to time. You sort of get used to it, believe me." Said a voice that I was sure had to be female. In fact, my 6th sense spotted her before she came up to me. I forgot to mention it, but that's because people freak out when I tell anyone, but I'm actually psychic. Mostly telekinesis, the ability of moving things with one's mind, but I possessed enough telepathy to tell what someone is feeling or just general things about them. The short haired brunette that was dressed in a boy's uniform was most definitely a girl.

If she got to wear the boys' uniform perhaps I could change my order later and receive a male uniform instead. As I contemplated this in my brain, I also wanted to answer her. She did act like she had a brain after all. "Hard to believe someone could ever get used to that." I answered.

She smiled at me and held out her hand out formally. "My name is Haruhi Fujioka. I see you like music, but I'm sorry to say that this room is actually occupied for the Ouran Host Club. As hosts we spend time talking with girls and keep them entertained."

"You have that much time on your hands huh?" I questioned her, wondering why she'd be a host if she was a girl, but I left that question fall upon deaf ears for now.

"I thought the same thing when I first came to Ouran Academy." She reassured me. Perhaps she got a scholarship here? She didn't talk like a rich kid. "You must be new here. A foreigner I'm assuming. Is today your first day?"

"Guess it isn't obvious from my clothes?" I retorted.

She just kept her welcoming smile and nodded. "You'll get your uniform soon, no worries. How about you hang out with me for a while, not trying to brag, but I bet we'll have a lot in common." It seemed she was going to try and get me comfortable in this club, so I'd end up joining for her benefit later. One of my psychic shocks was telling me to go for it, not to mention grandpa's little voice saying I should take as many risks as possible, if they are to make this experience more exciting. It also seemed that maybe this girl owed this club some sort of debt? Yes, she had broken something expensive and now to get the monkey off her back, she must gain customers for this club. So, she went to great lengths to pose as a boy then? (All of this ran through my head in a flash, this often happens when I'm having a vision).

Something inside me told me to help her, that maybe in doing so, I could perhaps become friends with her, and by the looks of it, I needed all the companionship I could get, because now I was targeted as someone no one would give a chance. Not at this school. Not after knocking their King off his high horse.

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